@@ -5,139 +5,29 @@
#include <QDebug>
#include <QProcess>
-void debug::ClientLocalDatStatusChangedHandler(DatStatus::ProgressInfo info) {
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_FREE) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_LOCAL: operation finished" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_BACKUP_CREATING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_LOCAL: creating backup " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_BACKUP_REMOVING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_LOCAL: removing backup " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_BACKUP_RESTORING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_LOCAL: restoring backup " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_COMMITING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_LOCAL: applying locales " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_EXTRACTING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_LOCAL: extracting data " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_GATHERING_INFO) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_LOCAL: gathering info " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_INITIALISING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_LOCAL: initialising " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_PATCHING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_LOCAL: applying patch " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
-void debug::ClientGeneralDatStatusChangedHandler(DatStatus::ProgressInfo info) {
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_FREE) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_GENERAL: operation finished" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_BACKUP_CREATING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_GENERAL: creating backup " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_BACKUP_REMOVING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_GENERAL: removing backup " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_BACKUP_RESTORING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_GENERAL: restoring backup " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_COMMITING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_GENERAL: applying locales " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_EXTRACTING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_GENERAL: extracting data " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_GATHERING_INFO) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_GENERAL: gathering info " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_INITIALISING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_GENERAL: initialising " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- if (info.status == DatStatus::DAT_STATUS::E_PATCHING) {
- std::cout << "CLIENT_GENERAL: applying patch " << info.percentage << "% "
- << "(" << info.finished_parts << "/" << info.total_parts << ")" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
+LotroDatManager::LotroDatManager(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), client_local_file_(1), client_general_file_(2) {
-LotroDatManager::LotroDatManager(QObject *parent) :
- QObject(parent) {
- qRegisterMetaType<Status>("Status");
- qRegisterMetaType<LOTRO_DAT::DatLocaleManager::LOCALE>("LOCALE");
- client_local_file_.GetStatusModule().AddStatusChangedCallbackFunction(client_local_status_updated_callback_);
- client_general_file_.GetStatusModule().AddStatusChangedCallbackFunction(client_general_status_updated_callback_);
+LotroDatManager::~LotroDatManager() {
-bool LotroDatManager::Initialised()
+bool LotroDatManager::initialised() {
return client_general_file_.Initialized() && client_local_file_.Initialized();
-bool LotroDatManager::NotPatched()
- return !client_local_file_.GetStatusModule().CheckIfNotPatched() && !client_local_file_.GetStatusModule().CheckIfNotPatched();
-bool LotroDatManager::DatPathIsRelevant()
+bool LotroDatManager::datPathIsRelevant() {
QString game_folder = Settings::getValue("Lotro/game_path").toString();
QString locale_prefix = Settings::getValue("Lotro/original_locale").toString();
QString client_local_filepath = game_folder + "/client_local_" + locale_prefix + ".dat";
QString client_general_filepath = game_folder + "/client_general.dat";
- QString client_local_current_path = QString::fromStdString(client_local_file_.GetIO().GetFilename().value);
- QString client_general_current_path = QString::fromStdString(client_general_file_.GetIO().GetFilename().value);
+ QString client_local_current_path = QString::fromStdString(client_local_file_.GetFilename());
+ QString client_general_current_path = QString::fromStdString(client_general_file_.GetFilename());
return QFileInfo(client_local_filepath) != QFileInfo(client_local_current_path)
|| QFileInfo(client_general_filepath) != QFileInfo(client_general_current_path);
@@ -154,13 +44,6 @@ void LotroDatManager::initializeManager()
QString client_local_filepath = game_folder + "/client_local_" + locale_prefix + ".dat";
QString client_general_filepath = game_folder + "/client_general.dat";
- if (game_folder == "none") {
- qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Finished initialisation LotroDatManager - error: .dat files not found!";
- emit errorOccured("initializeManager", {}, "FolderNotDefined");
- emit operationFinished("initializeManager", {}, false);
- return;
- }
if (!FileSystem::fileExists(client_local_filepath) || !FileSystem::fileExists(client_general_filepath)) {
emit errorOccured("initializeManager", {}, "DatFilesNotFound");
emit operationFinished("initializeManager", {}, false);
@@ -179,14 +62,12 @@ void LotroDatManager::initializeManager()
- auto client_local_init_res = client_local_file_.Initialise(client_local_filepath.toStdString(), 0);
- auto client_general_init_res = client_general_file_.Initialise(client_general_filepath.toStdString(), 1);
+ auto client_local_init_res = client_local_file_.Init(client_local_filepath.toStdString());
+ auto client_general_init_res = client_general_file_.Init(client_general_filepath.toStdString());
- if (client_local_init_res.result != LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS
- || client_general_init_res.result != LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS)
- {
- client_local_file_.Deinitialize();
- client_general_file_.Deinitialize();
+ if (!client_local_init_res || !client_general_init_res) {
+ client_local_file_.Deinit();
+ client_general_file_.Deinit();
qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Finished LotroDatManager initialisation - error: DatFile initialisation error!";
@@ -196,57 +77,55 @@ void LotroDatManager::initializeManager()
qDebug() << "LotroDatManager initialisation successfull! Dat files: "
- << QString::fromStdString(client_general_file_.GetIO().GetFilename().value)
- << QString::fromStdString(client_local_file_.GetIO().GetFilename().value);
+ << QString::fromStdString(client_general_file_.GetFilename())
+ << QString::fromStdString(client_local_file_.GetFilename());
emit operationFinished("initializeManager", {}, true);
-void LotroDatManager::deinitializeManager()
+void LotroDatManager::deinitializeManager() {
emit operationStarted("deinitializeManager");
- client_local_file_.Deinitialize();
- client_general_file_.Deinitialize();
+ client_local_file_.Deinit();
+ client_general_file_.Deinit();
emit operationFinished("deinitializeManager");
-void LotroDatManager::startGame(LOTRO_DAT::DatLocaleManager::LOCALE locale)
- emit operationStarted("startGame", {locale});
- client_general_file_.GetLocaleManager().SetLocale(locale);
- client_local_file_.GetLocaleManager().SetLocale(locale);
+void LotroDatManager::startGame(bool freeze_updates) {
+ emit operationStarted("startGame");
QString game_folder = Settings::getValue("Lotro/game_path").toString();
if (game_folder == "none") {
qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Starting game FAILED - game folder wasnt set!";
- emit errorOccured("startGame", {locale}, "GameFolderNotSet");
- emit operationFinished("startGame", {locale}, false);
+ emit errorOccured("startGame", {}, "GameFolderNotSet");
+ emit operationFinished("startGame", {}, false);
if (!FileSystem::fileExists(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/Launcher.exe")) {
qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Starting game FAILED - no game launcher in legacy directory found!";
- emit errorOccured("startGame", {locale}, "NoGameLauncherInLegacyDir");
- emit operationFinished("startGame", {locale}, false);
+ emit errorOccured("startGame", {}, "NoGameLauncherInLegacyDir");
+ emit operationFinished("startGame", {}, false);
- if (locale == LOTRO_DAT::DatLocaleManager::PATCHED) {
+ if (freeze_updates) {
QFile::remove(game_folder + "/lotro_ru.exe");
if (!QFile::copy(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/LotroLauncher.exe", game_folder + "/lotro_ru.exe")) {
qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Starting game FAILED - cannot copy LotroLauncher to lotro_ru.exe!!";
- emit errorOccured("startGame", {locale}, "LauncherCopyFailed");
- emit operationFinished("startGame", {locale}, false);
+ emit errorOccured("startGame", {}, "LauncherCopyFailed");
+ emit operationFinished("startGame", {}, false);
QFile::remove(game_folder + "/LotroLauncher.exe");
if (!QFile::copy(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/Launcher.exe", game_folder + "/LotroLauncher.exe")) {
qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Starting game FAILED - cannot copy GameLauncher to LotroLauncher!!";
- emit errorOccured("startGame", {locale}, "NoAccessToGameLauncher");
- emit operationFinished("startGame", {locale}, false);
+ emit errorOccured("startGame", {}, "NoAccessToGameLauncher");
+ emit operationFinished("startGame", {}, false);
@@ -259,164 +138,122 @@ void LotroDatManager::startGame(LOTRO_DAT::DatLocaleManager::LOCALE locale)
QFile::remove(game_folder + "/LotroLauncher.exe");
if (!QFile::copy(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/LotroLauncher.exe", game_folder + "/LotroLauncher.exe")) {
qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Starting game FAILED - cannot copy LotroLauncher from working dir to LotroLauncher in lotro dir!!";
- emit errorOccured("startGame", {locale}, "NoAccessToGameLauncher");
- emit operationFinished("startGame", {locale}, false);
+ emit errorOccured("startGame", {}, "NoAccessToGameLauncher");
+ emit operationFinished("startGame", {}, false);
- if (!startLotroLauncherWithParameters(locale)) {
- emit errorOccured("startGame", {locale}, "StartLotroLauncherWithParametersFailed");
- emit operationFinished("startGame", {locale}, false);
- return;
+ QStringList args;
+ if (freeze_updates) {
+ args << "gamelaunch" << "-disablePatch";
- emit operationFinished("startGame", {locale}, true);
-void LotroDatManager::installPatch(QString patch_name, QString database_path)
- emit operationStarted("installPatch", {patch_name, database_path});
- LOTRO_DAT::Database db;
- if (!db.InitDatabase(database_path.toStdString())) {
- emit errorOccured("installPatch", {patch_name, database_path}, "ErrorInitDatabase");
- emit operationFinished("installPatch", {patch_name, database_path}, false);
- return;
+ if (Settings::getValue("Lotro/skip_raw_download").toBool()) {
+ args << "-skiprawdownload";
- if (client_local_file_.GetPatcher().PatchAllDatabase(&db).result != LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS) {
- db.CloseDatabase();
- emit errorOccured("installPatch", {patch_name, database_path}, "ErrorPatchClientLocal");
- emit operationFinished("installPatch", {patch_name, database_path}, false);
- return;
+ if (Settings::getValue("Lotro/no_splash_screen").toBool()) {
+ args << "-nosplashscreen";
- if (client_general_file_.GetPatcher().PatchAllDatabase(&db).result != LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS) {
- db.CloseDatabase();
- emit errorOccured("installPatch", {patch_name, database_path});
- emit operationFinished("installPatch", {patch_name, database_path}, false);
- return;
+ client_general_file_.Deinit();
+ client_local_file_.Deinit();
+ QString username = Settings::getValue("Account/username").toString();
+ QString password = Settings::getValue("Account/password").toString();
+ if (!username.isEmpty() && !password.isEmpty()) {
+ args << "-username" << username << "-password" << password;
- db.CloseDatabase();
- emit operationFinished("installPatch", {patch_name, database_path}, true);
+ qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Starting game with arguments: " << args;
-void LotroDatManager::enableCategory(QString patch_name, LotroDatManager::Category category)
- emit operationStarted("enableCategory", {patch_name, category});
+ QFile f(Settings::getValue("Lotro/game_path").toString() + "/LotroLauncher.exe");
+ QProcess process;
- if (client_local_file_.GetLocaleManager().EnableCategory(category).result != LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS) {
- emit errorOccured("enableCategory", {patch_name, category}, "ErrorEnableCategoryClientLocal");
- emit operationFinished("enableCategory", {patch_name, category}, false);
- return;
- }
+ if (FileSystem::fileExists(f.fileName())) {
+ if (f.fileName().contains(" ")) {
+ f.setFileName("\"" + f.fileName() + "\"");
+ }
- if (client_general_file_.GetLocaleManager().EnableCategory(category).result != LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS) {
- emit errorOccured("enableCategory", {patch_name, category}, "ErrorEnableCategoryClientGeneral");
- emit operationFinished("enableCategory", {patch_name, category}, false);
- return;
+ process.startDetached(f.fileName(), args);
+ process.waitForFinished(-1);
+ QApplication::quit();
- emit operationFinished("enableCategory", {patch_name, category});
+ emit operationFinished("startGame");
-void LotroDatManager::disableCategory(QString patch_name, LotroDatManager::Category category)
- emit operationStarted("disableCategory", {patch_name, category});
+void LotroDatManager::installPatch(QString patch_name, QString database_path, RESOURCE_FILE_TYPE dat_file) {
+ emit operationStarted("installPatch", {patch_name, database_path});
+ LOTRO_DAT::Database db;
- if (client_local_file_.GetLocaleManager().DisableCategory(category).result != LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS) {
- emit errorOccured("disableCategory", {patch_name, category}, "ErrorDisableCategoryClientLocal");
- emit operationFinished("disableCategory", {patch_name, category}, false);
+ if (!db.InitDatabase(database_path.toStdString())) {
+ qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Error database " << database_path << ": failed to open!";
- if (client_general_file_.GetLocaleManager().DisableCategory(category).result != LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS) {
- emit errorOccured("disableCategory", {patch_name, category}, "ErrorDisableCategoryClientGeneral");
- emit operationFinished("disableCategory", {patch_name, category}, false);
- return;
+ size_t patched_files_num = 0;
+ LOTRO_DAT::SubfileData file;
+ int i = 0;
+ const int total_files = db.CountRows();
+ qDebug() << "Patching all files from database...";
+ while (!(file = db.GetNextFile()).Empty()) {
+ if (i * 100 / total_files != (i - 1) * 100 / total_files) {
+ qDebug() << "Completed " << i * 100 / total_files << "%";
+ }
+ ++i;
+ if (!file.options["fid"]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (dat_file == E_CLIENT_LOCAL) {
+ client_local_file_.PatchFile(file);
+ } else if (dat_file == E_CLIENT_GENERAL) {
+ client_general_file_.PatchFile(file);
+ }
+ ++patched_files_num;
- emit operationFinished("disableCategory", {patch_name, category}, true);
+ db.CloseDatabase();
+ emit operationFinished("installPatch", {patch_name, database_path}, true);
void LotroDatManager::createBackup()
- emit operationStarted("createBackup");
- QString locale_prefix = Settings::getValue("Lotro/original_locale").toString();
- QString client_local_backup_path = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + Settings::getValue("Backup/path").toString() + "client_local_" + locale_prefix + ".dat";
- QString client_general_backup_path = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + Settings::getValue("Backup/path").toString() + "client_general.dat";
- auto loc_res = client_local_file_.GetBackupManager().CreateBackup(client_local_backup_path.toStdString());
- auto gen_res = client_general_file_.GetBackupManager().CreateBackup(client_general_backup_path.toStdString());
- bool operations_result = (loc_res.result == LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS && gen_res.result == LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS);
- emit operationFinished("createBackup", {client_local_backup_path, client_general_backup_path}, operations_result);
void LotroDatManager::restoreFromBackup()
- emit operationStarted("restoreFromBackup");
- QString locale_prefix = Settings::getValue("Lotro/original_locale").toString();
- QString client_local_backup_path = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + Settings::getValue("Backup/path").toString() + "client_local_" + locale_prefix + ".dat";
- QString client_general_backup_path = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + Settings::getValue("Backup/path").toString() + "client_general.dat";
- auto loc_res = client_local_file_.GetBackupManager().RestoreFromBackup(client_local_backup_path.toStdString());
- auto gen_res = client_general_file_.GetBackupManager().RestoreFromBackup(client_general_backup_path.toStdString());
- bool operations_result = (loc_res.result == LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS && gen_res.result == LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS);
- emit operationFinished("restoreFromBackup", {}, operations_result);
void LotroDatManager::removeBackup()
- emit operationStarted("removeBackup");
- QString locale_prefix = Settings::getValue("Lotro/original_locale").toString();
- QString client_local_backup_path = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + Settings::getValue("Backup/path").toString() + "client_local_" + locale_prefix + ".dat";
- QString client_general_backup_path = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + Settings::getValue("Backup/path").toString() + "client_general.dat";
- auto loc_res = client_local_file_.GetBackupManager().RemoveBackup(client_local_backup_path.toStdString());
- auto gen_res = client_general_file_.GetBackupManager().RemoveBackup(client_general_backup_path.toStdString());
- bool operations_result = (loc_res.result == LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS && gen_res.result == LOTRO_DAT::SUCCESS);
- emit operationFinished("removeBackup", {}, operations_result);
-bool LotroDatManager::startLotroLauncherWithParameters(LOTRO_DAT::DatLocaleManager::LOCALE locale)
- QStringList args;
- if (Settings::getValue("Lotro/skip_raw_download").toBool()) {
- args << "-skiprawdownload";
- }
- if (Settings::getValue("Lotro/no_splash_screen").toBool()) {
- args << "-nosplashscreen";
- }
- if (locale == LOTRO_DAT::DatLocaleManager::PATCHED) {
- args << "gamelaunch" << "-disablePatch";
- }
- client_general_file_.Deinitialize();
- client_local_file_.Deinitialize();
- QString username = Settings::getValue("Account/username").toString();
- QString password = Settings::getValue("Account/password").toString();
- if (!username.isEmpty() && !password.isEmpty()) {
- args << "-username" << username << "-password" << password;
- }
- qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Starting game with arguments: " << args;
- QFile f(Settings::getValue("Lotro/game_path").toString() + "/LotroLauncher.exe");
- QProcess process;
- if (FileSystem::fileExists(f.fileName())) {
- if (f.fileName().contains(" ")) {
- f.setFileName("\"" + f.fileName() + "\"");
- }
- process.startDetached(f.fileName(), args);
- process.waitForFinished(-1);
- QApplication::quit();
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }