DatLocaleManager.cpp 11 KB

  1. //
  2. // Created by kikab on 04.06.2018.
  3. //
  4. #include <DatSubsystems/DatLocaleManager.h>
  5. #include <EasyLogging++/easylogging++.h>
  6. #include <DatFile.h>
  7. #include <SubFile.h>
  8. namespace LOTRO_DAT {
  9. DatLocaleManager::DatLocaleManager(DatFile *datFilePtr) : dat(datFilePtr), current_locale_(ORIGINAL) {
  10. }
  11. DatOperationResult<> DatLocaleManager::Init() {
  12. if (!dat)
  13. return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "LOCALEINIT: no connection with Dat (dat is nullptr)");
  14. orig_dict_.clear();
  15. patch_dict_.clear();
  16. LOG(INFO) << "Initialising locales...";
  17. BinaryData locale_offset_data(4);
  18. dat->getIO().ReadData(locale_offset_data, 4, 300);
  19. long long locale_offset = locale_offset_data.ToNumber<4>(0);
  20. if (locale_offset == 0 || locale_offset + 8 >= dat->getIO().GetActualDatSize().value) {
  21. LOG(INFO) << "Dictionary offset is empty or incorrect. Passing.";
  22. return DatOperationResult<>();
  23. }
  24. BinaryData locale_info(12);
  25. dat->getIO().ReadData(locale_info, 12, locale_offset);
  26. long long dict_size = locale_info.ToNumber<4>(0);
  27. long long dict_version = locale_info.ToNumber<4>(4);
  28. dat->getIO().file_size = locale_info.ToNumber<4>(8);
  29. LOG(INFO) << "Dictionary size is " << dict_size << ". Version is " << dict_version << ". Localed .dat size = " << dat->getIO().file_size;
  30. if (dict_version != 101) {
  31. dat->getIO().WriteData(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(0), 4, 300);
  32. return DatOperationResult<>(SUCCESS, "Version of locales' dictionary is old (ver = " + std::to_string(dict_version) + "), cannot initialize locales.");
  33. }
  34. BinaryData dicts_data = BinaryData((unsigned)dict_size);
  35. dat->getIO().ReadData(dicts_data, dict_size, locale_offset + 12);
  36. if (dicts_data.size() < 15) {
  37. dat->getIO().WriteData(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(0), 4, 300);
  38. return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "INITLOCALE: Data in locales' dictionary is incorrect.");
  39. }
  40. BinaryData hi_data = dicts_data.CutData(0, 15) + BinaryData("\0", 1);
  41. std::string hi = std::string((char *) (hi_data.data()));
  42. if (hi != "Hi from Gi1dor!")
  43. return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "INITLOCALE: Data in locales' dictionary is incorrect (couldn't receive 'Hello').");
  44. int offset = 15;
  45. BinaryData current_locale_data = dicts_data.CutData(offset, offset + 4) + BinaryData("\0", 1);
  46. std::string locale((char *) (current_locale_data.data()));
  47. offset += 4;
  48. if (locale != "PATC" && locale != "ORIG")
  49. return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "INITLOCALE: Data in locales' dictionary is incorrect (current locale mark is invalid).");
  50. current_locale_ = (locale == "PATC" ? PATCHED : ORIGINAL);
  51. size_t orig_dict_size = size_t(dicts_data.CutData(offset, offset + 4).ToNumber<4>(0));
  52. offset += 4;
  53. for (size_t i = 0; i < orig_dict_size; i++) {
  54. auto file = SubFile(*dat, dicts_data.CutData(offset, offset + 32));
  55. file.category = dicts_data.ToNumber<4>(offset);
  56. orig_dict_[file.file_id()] = file;
  57. offset += 36;
  58. }
  59. size_t patch_dict_size = size_t(dicts_data.CutData(offset, offset + 4).ToNumber<4>(0));
  60. offset += 4;
  61. for (size_t i = 0; i < patch_dict_size; i++) {
  62. auto file = SubFile(*dat, dicts_data.CutData(offset, offset + 32));
  63. file.category = dicts_data.ToNumber<4>(offset);
  64. orig_dict_[file.file_id()] = file;
  65. offset += 36;
  66. }
  67. LOG(INFO) << "There are " << patch_dict_.size() << " files in patch locale dictionary";
  68. LOG(INFO) << "There are " << orig_dict_.size() << " files in original locale dictionary";
  69. LOG(INFO) << "Finished initialising locales";
  70. return DatOperationResult<>(SUCCESS);
  71. }
  72. DatOperationResult<> DatLocaleManager::SetLocale(DatLocaleManager::LOCALE locale) {
  73. LOG(INFO) << "Setting locale to " << (locale == PATCHED ? " PATCHED" : " ORIGINAL");
  74. if (!dat)
  75. return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "SETLOCALE: no connection with Dat (dat is nullptr)");
  76. if (current_locale_ == locale) {
  77. LOG(INFO) << "Locale is already " << locale << ", nothing to do.";
  78. return DatOperationResult<>(SUCCESS);
  79. }
  80. auto dict = GetLocaleDictReference(locale);
  81. for (const auto &file : dict) {
  82. long long file_id = file.first;
  83. auto dict_file_result = dat->getFileSystem().GetFile(file_id);
  84. if (dict_file_result.result != SUCCESS) {
  85. LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to get file with id = " << file_id << "from datFileSystem!";
  86. dict.erase(file_id);
  87. continue;
  88. }
  89. std::shared_ptr<SubFile> dict_file = dict_file_result.value;
  90. if (dict_file->MakeHeaderData().CutData(8, 16) == file.second.MakeHeaderData().CutData(8, 16))
  91. continue;
  92. dat->getFileSystem().UpdateFileInfo(file.second);
  93. }
  94. current_locale_ = locale;
  95. return DatOperationResult<>(SUCCESS);
  96. }
  97. DatLocaleManager::LOCALE DatLocaleManager::GetCurrentLocale() {
  98. return current_locale_;
  99. }
  100. DatOperationResult<> DatLocaleManager::DeInit() {
  101. LOG(INFO) << "Committing locales...";
  102. if (!dat)
  103. return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "LOCALEDEINIT: no connection with Dat (dat is nullptr)");
  104. if (patch_dict_.empty()) {
  105. dat->getIO().WriteData(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(0), 4, 300);
  106. return DatOperationResult<>(SUCCESS);
  107. }
  108. BinaryData binary_data = BinaryData(4 + 4 + 4 + 14 + 15 + 4
  109. + 4 + (32 + 4) * orig_dict_.size()
  110. + 4 + (32 + 4) * patch_dict_.size()
  111. + 4 + 4 * inactive_categories.size());
  112. size_t current_size = 0;
  113. binary_data.Append(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(std::max(binary_data.size() + 4, 20u * 1024u * 1024u)));
  114. binary_data.Append(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(101));
  115. binary_data.Append(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(dat->getIO().file_size + binary_data.size() + 12 + 20 * 1024 * 1024));
  116. current_size = 12;
  117. binary_data.Append(BinaryData("Hi from Gi1dor!", 15), current_size);
  118. current_size += 15;
  119. binary_data.Append(BinaryData((current_locale_ == ORIGINAL ? "ORIG" : "PATC"), 4), current_size);
  120. current_size += 4;
  121. binary_data.Append(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(orig_dict_.size()), current_size);
  122. current_size += 4;
  123. for (const auto &file : orig_dict_) {
  124. binary_data.Append(file.second.MakeHeaderData(), current_size);
  125. current_size += 32;
  126. binary_data.Append(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(file.second.category), current_size);
  127. current_size += 4;
  128. }
  129. binary_data.Append(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(patch_dict_.size()), current_size);
  130. current_size += 4;
  131. for (const auto &file : patch_dict_) {
  132. binary_data.Append(file.second.MakeHeaderData(), current_size);
  133. current_size += 32;
  134. binary_data.Append(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(file.second.category), current_size);
  135. current_size += 4;
  136. }
  137. binary_data.Append(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(inactive_categories.size()), current_size);
  138. current_size += 4;
  139. for (auto patch_id : inactive_categories) {
  140. binary_data.Append(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(patch_id), current_size);
  141. current_size += 4;
  142. }
  143. BinaryData dicts_data(4);
  144. dat->getIO().ReadData(dicts_data, 4, 300);
  145. long long dict_offset = dicts_data.ToNumber<4>(0);
  146. dat->getIO().ReadData(dicts_data, 4, dict_offset);
  147. long long dict_size = dicts_data.ToNumber<4>(0);
  148. if (binary_data.size() > dict_size || dict_offset == 0) {
  149. auto operation = dat->getIO().WriteData(binary_data, binary_data.size(), dat->getIO().file_size + 12);
  150. if (operation.result != SUCCESS)
  151. return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "LOCALEDEINIT: Cannot write locales. ERRMSG: " + operation.msg);
  152. dat->getIO().WriteData(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(dat->getIO().file_size), 4, 300);
  153. dat->getIO().file_size += binary_data.size();
  154. // Adding space for 20 megabytes locales file in total.
  155. BinaryData nulls(unsigned(20 * 1024 * 1024));
  156. dat->getIO().WriteData(nulls, nulls.size(), dat->getIO().file_size);
  157. dat->getIO().file_size += nulls.size();
  158. } else {
  159. auto operation = dat->getIO().WriteData(binary_data, binary_data.size(), dict_offset);
  160. if (operation.result != SUCCESS)
  161. return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "LOCALEDEINIT: Cannot write locales. ERRMSG: " + operation.msg);
  162. }
  163. LOG(INFO) << "Locales commited successfully";
  164. return DatOperationResult<>(SUCCESS);
  165. }
  166. void DatLocaleManager::UpdateLocaleFile(DatLocaleManager::LOCALE locale, const SubFile &file) {
  167. auto dict = GetLocaleDictReference(locale);
  168. dict[file.file_id()] = file;
  169. }
  170. DatOperationResult<SubFile> DatLocaleManager::GetLocaleFile(long long file_id, DatLocaleManager::LOCALE locale) {
  171. auto dict = GetLocaleDictReference(locale);
  172. if (dict.count(file_id) != 0)
  173. return DatOperationResult<SubFile>(SubFile(), ERROR, "GETLOCFILE: cannot get file with id = " + std::to_string(file_id) + " from dict " + std::to_string(locale));
  174. return DatOperationResult<SubFile>(dict[file_id], SUCCESS);
  175. }
  176. std::map<long long, SubFile> &DatLocaleManager::GetLocaleDictReference(DatLocaleManager::LOCALE locale) {
  177. return locale == PATCHED ? patch_dict_ : orig_dict_;
  178. }
  179. void DatLocaleManager::PrintInformaion(FILE *file) {
  180. fprintf(file, "========= Locales info ========\n");
  181. BinaryData locale_offset_data(4);
  182. dat->getIO().ReadData(locale_offset_data, 4, 300);
  183. long long locale_offset = locale_offset_data.ToNumber<4>(0);
  184. fprintf(file, "Locales' dictionary offset = %lld\n", locale_offset);
  185. if (locale_offset != 0) {
  186. BinaryData locale_info(12);
  187. dat->getIO().ReadData(locale_info, 12, locale_offset);
  188. long long dict_size = locale_info.ToNumber<4>(0);
  189. long long dict_version = locale_info.ToNumber<4>(4);
  190. fprintf(file, "Locales' dictionary size = %lld, version = %lld\n", dict_size, dict_version);
  191. dat->getIO().file_size = locale_info.ToNumber<4>(8);
  192. }
  193. fprintf(file, "Current locale id = %d\n", current_locale_);
  194. fprintf(file, "Patch dictionary size = %d\n", patch_dict_.size());
  195. fprintf(file, "Original dictionary size = %d\n", orig_dict_.size());
  196. }
  197. }