@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
#include <EasyLogging++/easylogging++.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <locale>
-#include <locale>
#ifdef WIN32
#define fseek _fseeki64
#define ftell _ftelli64
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
dat_state_ = CLOSED;
root_directory_ = nullptr;
file_handler_ = nullptr;
+ free_buffered_size_ = 0;
el::Configurations defaultConf;
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
current_locale_ = ORIGINAL;
root_directory_ = nullptr;
file_handler_ = nullptr;
+ free_buffered_size_ = 0;
filename_ = "none";
DAT_RESULT result;
@@ -116,14 +118,20 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
return_value = std::max(return_value, result);
+ LOG(INFO) << "File " << filename << " opened successfully!";
+ filename_ = filename;
+ dat_state_ = READY;
+ LOG(INFO) << "Making last preparations...";
+ return_value = std::max(return_value, result);
if (return_value >= 2) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Dat file is corrupted. Trying to delete corrupted dictionary rows";
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Dat file could be corrupted. Trying to delete corrupted dictionary rows";
if (RepairDatFile() != SUCCESS)
- LOG(INFO) << "File " << filename << " opened successfully!";
- filename_ = filename;
- dat_state_ = READY;
+ LOG(INFO) << "Preparations made successfully! Init return value = " << return_value;
return return_value;
@@ -270,48 +278,6 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
return success;
- DAT_RESULT DatFile::PatchFile(const char *filename, YAML::Node options) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Patching file with filename" << filename << " and id = " << options["fid"].as<long long>();
- if (dat_state_ < READY) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Dat state isn't READY. Cannot patch.";
- }
- if (options["did"].IsDefined() && options["did"].as<int>() != dat_id_)
- BinaryData data;
- data.ReadFromFile(filename);
- auto file_id = options["fid"].as<long long>();
- if (dictionary_[file_id] == nullptr) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot patch file - there is no file in dictionary with file_id = " << file_id;
- return NO_FILE_ERROR;
- }
- BinaryData old_data = GetFileData(dictionary_[file_id]);
- if (old_data.Empty()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "GetFileData returned empty data. Aborting.";
- }
- data = dictionary_[file_id]->MakeForImport(old_data, SubfileData(data, u"", options));
- try {
- DAT_RESULT result = ApplyFilePatch(dictionary_[file_id], data);
- if (result != SUCCESS)
- return result;
- } catch (std::exception &e) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Caught " << e.what() << " exception.";
- return FAILED;
- }
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Successfully patched file with filename = " << filename << " and id = "
- << options["fid"].as<long long>();
- return SUCCESS;
- }
DAT_RESULT DatFile::PatchFile(const SubfileData &data) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Patching file with id = " << data.options["fid"].as<long long>() << ".";
@@ -358,14 +324,10 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
BinaryData patch_data = file->MakeForImport(old_data, data);
- try {
- DAT_RESULT result = ApplyFilePatch(file, patch_data);
- if (result != SUCCESS)
- return result;
- } catch (std::exception &e) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Caught " << e.what() << " exception";
- return FAILED;
- }
+ DAT_RESULT result = ApplyFilePatch(file, patch_data);
+ if (result != SUCCESS)
+ return result;
LOG(DEBUG) << "Patched successfully file " << data.options["fid"].as<long long>() << ".";
return SUCCESS;
@@ -387,9 +349,6 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot patch file" << data.options["fid"].as<long long>() << " continuing";
data = db->GetNextFile();
- DAT_RESULT result = CommitChanges();
- if (result != SUCCESS)
- return result;
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully patched whole database";
return SUCCESS;
@@ -408,10 +367,11 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
- fprintf(f, "file_id offset size size2 extension\n");
+ fprintf(f, "unk1 file_id offset size1 timestamp version size2 unknown2 type\n");
for (auto i : dictionary_) {
- fprintf(f, "%lld %lld %lld %lld %s\n", i.second->file_id(), i.second->file_offset(), i.second->file_size(),
- i.second->block_size(), i.second->Extension().c_str());
+ fprintf(f, "%lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %s\n", i.second->unknown1(), i.second->file_id(),
+ i.second->file_offset(), i.second->file_size(), i.second->timestamp(), i.second->version(),
+ i.second->block_size(), i.second->unknown2(), i.second->Extension().c_str());
LOG(INFO) << "Unordered dictionary was written successfully to " << path << "dict.txt";
@@ -430,54 +390,50 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
BinaryData DatFile::GetFileData(const Subfile *file, long long int offset) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Getting file " << file->file_id() << " data";
- try {
- BinaryData mfile_id(20);
- ReadData(mfile_id, 20, file->file_offset() + 8);
- if (mfile_id.Empty()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Error while reading file " << file->file_id() << " header (offset = "
- << file->file_offset() << "); Aborting.";
- return BinaryData(0);
- }
- if (!mfile_id.CheckCompression() && file->file_id() != mfile_id.ToNumber<4>(0)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Bad DatFile::GetFileData() - file_id in Subfile ("
- << file->file_id()
- << ") doesn't match to file_id (" << mfile_id.ToNumber<4>(0) << ")in DatFile.";
- return BinaryData(0);
- }
+ BinaryData mfile_id(20);
+ ReadData(mfile_id, 20, file->file_offset() + 8);
+ if (mfile_id.Empty()) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error while reading file " << file->file_id() << " header (offset = "
+ << file->file_offset() << "); Aborting.";
+ return BinaryData(0);
+ }
- BinaryData data((unsigned) (file->file_size() + (8 - offset)));
- if (file->block_size() >= file->file_size() + 8) {
- ReadData(data, file->file_size() + (8 - offset), file->file_offset() + offset);
- return data;
- }
+ if (!mfile_id.CheckCompression() && file->file_id() != mfile_id.ToNumber<4>(0)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Bad DatFile::GetFileData() - file_id in Subfile ("
+ << file->file_id()
+ << ") doesn't match to file_id (" << mfile_id.ToNumber<4>(0) << ")in DatFile.";
+ return BinaryData(0);
+ }
- BinaryData fragments_count(4);
- ReadData(fragments_count, 4, file->file_offset());
+ BinaryData data((unsigned)(file->file_size() + (8 - offset)));
+ if (file->block_size() >= file->file_size() + 8) {
+ ReadData(data, file->file_size() + (8 - offset), file->file_offset() + offset);
+ return data;
+ }
- long long fragments_number = fragments_count.ToNumber<4>(0);
+ BinaryData fragments_count(4);
+ ReadData(fragments_count, 4, file->file_offset());
- long long current_block_size = file->block_size() - offset - 8 * fragments_number;
+ long long fragments_number = fragments_count.ToNumber<4>(0);
- ReadData(data, current_block_size, file->file_offset() + offset);
+ long long current_block_size = file->block_size() - offset - 8 * fragments_number;
- BinaryData FragmentsDictionary(8 * unsigned(fragments_number));
- ReadData(FragmentsDictionary, 8 * unsigned(fragments_number),
- file->file_offset() + file->block_size() - 8 * fragments_number);
+ ReadData(data, current_block_size, file->file_offset() + offset);
+ BinaryData FragmentsDictionary(8 * unsigned(fragments_number));
+ ReadData(FragmentsDictionary, 8 * unsigned(fragments_number),
+ file->file_offset() + file->block_size() - 8 * fragments_number);
- for (long long i = 0; i < fragments_number; i++) {
- long long fragment_size = FragmentsDictionary.ToNumber<4>(8 * i);
- long long fragment_offset = FragmentsDictionary.ToNumber<4>(8 * i + 4);
- ReadData(data, std::min(fragment_size, file->file_size() - current_block_size), fragment_offset,
- current_block_size);
- current_block_size += fragment_size;
- }
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Successfully got file " << file->file_id() << " data";
- return data;
- } catch (std::exception &e) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Caught " << e.what() << " exception";
+ for (long long i = 0; i < fragments_number; i++) {
+ long long fragment_size = FragmentsDictionary.ToNumber<4>(8 * i);
+ long long fragment_offset = FragmentsDictionary.ToNumber<4>(8 * i + 4);
+ ReadData(data, std::min(fragment_size, file->file_size() - current_block_size), fragment_offset,
+ current_block_size);
+ current_block_size += fragment_size;
- return BinaryData(0);
+ LOG(DEBUG) << "Successfully got file " << file->file_id() << " data";
+ return data;
@@ -553,6 +509,7 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
root_directory_ = new SubDirectory((unsigned) root_directory_offset_, this);
LOG(DEBUG) << "Directories made successfully";
return SUCCESS;
@@ -619,19 +576,16 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
- DAT_RESULT DatFile::ApplyFilePatch(Subfile *file, const BinaryData &data) {
+ DAT_RESULT DatFile::ApplyFilePatch(Subfile *file, BinaryData &data) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Applying " << file->file_id() << " patch.";
if (data.Empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error caused during making file for import. Cannot patch file " << file->file_id();
return FAILED;
auto file_id = file->file_id();
- if (patched_list.count(file_id) != 0) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Warning: DatFile::ApplyFilePatch - found 2 files in patch with the same file_id = "
- << file->file_id() << " Passing last...";
- }
if (current_locale() != PATCHED && file_id != 2013266257) {
LOG(INFO) << "Changing locale to PATCHED(RU) in order to patch file";
@@ -644,55 +598,42 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
orig_dict_[file_id] = new Subfile(this, file->MakeHeaderData());
- auto journal = GetFragmentationJournal();
- if ((patch_dict_.count(file_id) == 0 && file_id != 2013266257)
- || data.size() > file->block_size() || file->file_size() + 8 > file->block_size()) {
- if (journal[0].second != file_size_) {
- journal[0].second = file_size_;
- }
+ if ((patch_dict_.count(file_id) == 0 && file_id != 2013266257) || data.size() > file->block_size()
+ || file->file_size() + 8 > file->block_size()) {
- file->file_size_ = data.size() - 8;
- file->file_offset_ = journal[0].second;
+ file->file_offset_ = file_size_;
file->block_size_ = std::max((long long)data.size(), file->block_size_);
- journal[0].second += file->block_size_;
- BinaryData nulls((unsigned)file->block_size_);
- WriteData(nulls, nulls.size(), file_size_);
+ free_buffered_size_ = std::max(0ll, free_buffered_size_ - file->block_size_);
+ AddBufferedSize();
this->file_size_ += file->block_size_;
file->file_size_ = data.size() - 8;
- file->block_size_ = std::max(file->block_size_, file->file_size_ + 8);
- BinaryData fragments_count(4);
- fragments_count = BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(0);
- BinaryData file_data = fragments_count + data.CutData(4);
+ data.Append(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(0), 0);
- if (file_id != file_data.ToNumber<4>(8)) {
+ if (file_id != data.ToNumber<4>(8)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Created data's file_id doesn't match to original! Patch wasn't written to .dat file";
- WriteData(file_data, file_data.size(), file->file_offset());
- patched_list.insert(file_id);
+ WriteData(data, data.size(), file->file_offset());
+ patch_dict_.erase(file_id);
if (file_id != 2013266257) {
- patch_dict_.erase(file_id);
patch_dict_[file_id] = new Subfile(this, file->MakeHeaderData());
if (inactive_categories.count(file->category) != 0) {
- dictionary_[file_id]->file_offset_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->file_offset_;
- dictionary_[file_id]->file_size_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->file_size_;
- dictionary_[file_id]->block_size_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->block_size_;
- dictionary_[file_id]->timestamp_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->timestamp_;
- dictionary_[file_id]->version_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->version_;
+ file->file_offset_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->file_offset_;
+ file->file_size_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->file_size_;
+ file->block_size_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->block_size_;
+ file->timestamp_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->timestamp_;
+ file->version_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->version_;
if (orig_dict_.count(file_id) != 0 && file_id != 2013266257)
@@ -700,31 +641,36 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
if (patch_dict_.count(file_id) != 0 && file_id != 2013266257)
patch_dict_[file_id]->category = file->category;
- UpdateFragmentationJournal(journal);
+ pending_dictionary_.insert(file_id);
LOG(DEBUG) << "Successfully applied file " << file->file_id() << " patch.";
return SUCCESS;
- DAT_RESULT DatFile::UpdateSubdirectories() {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Started updating subdirectories";
- root_directory_->UpdateDirectories(patched_list, dictionary_);
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Finished updating subdirectories";
- return SUCCESS;
- }
+ DAT_RESULT DatFile::ClearFragmentationJournal() {
+ LOG(DEBUG) << "Clearing fragmentation journal";
+ long long offset = 0;
+ BinaryData data(32);
+ DAT_RESULT res = ReadData(data, 32, fragmentation_journal_offset_ + 8 + offset);
- std::vector<std::pair<long long, long long> > DatFile::GetFragmentationJournal() {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Getting fragmentation journal";
- BinaryData data(8);
- DAT_RESULT res = ReadData(data, 8, fragmentation_journal_offset_ + 8);
- std::vector<std::pair<long long, long long> > result;
if (res != SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error " << res << " while reading data";
- return result;
+ return FAILED;
- result.emplace_back(std::make_pair(data.ToNumber<4>(0), data.ToNumber<4>(4)));
+ BinaryData nulls = BinaryData(32);
+ while (data != nulls && !data.Empty()) {
+ WriteData(nulls, 32, fragmentation_journal_offset_ + 8 + offset);
+ offset += 32;
+ ReadData(data, 32, fragmentation_journal_offset_ + 8 + offset);
+ }
LOG(DEBUG) << "Finished getting fragmentation journal";
- return result;
+ return SUCCESS;
DAT_RESULT DatFile::UpdateHeader() {
@@ -740,42 +686,6 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
return SUCCESS;
- DAT_RESULT DatFile::UpdateFragmentationJournal(const std::vector<std::pair<long long, long long> > &journal) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Updating fragmentation journal";
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < journal.size(); i++) {
- long long size = journal[i].first;
- long long offset = journal[i].second;
- WriteData(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(size), 4, fragmentation_journal_offset_ + 8 * (i + 1));
- WriteData(BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(offset), 4, fragmentation_journal_offset_ + 8 * (i + 1) + 4);
- }
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Finished updating fragmentation journal";
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- DAT_RESULT DatFile::CommitChanges() {
- LOG(INFO) << "Started commiting changes";
- if (dat_state_ != UPDATED) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Commiting changes to file with state != UPDATED. Nothing to do";
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- LOG(INFO) << "There are some updated files. Rewriting dictionary...";
- CommitLocales();
- auto journal = GetFragmentationJournal();
- UpdateFragmentationJournal(journal);
- UpdateHeader();
- UpdateSubdirectories();
- LOG(INFO) << "Changed " << patched_list.size() << " files...";
- patched_list.clear();
- dat_state_ = READY;
- LOG(INFO) << "Done Commiting changes!";
- return SUCCESS;
- }
DAT_RESULT DatFile::CloseDatFile() {
LOG(INFO) << "Closing DatFile";
if (dat_state_ == CLOSED) {
@@ -783,10 +693,13 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
return SUCCESS;
- CommitChanges();
+ CommitLocales();
+ CommitDirectories();
+ UpdateHeader();
+ ClearFragmentationJournal();
- patched_list.clear();
current_locale_ = ORIGINAL;
@@ -798,7 +711,7 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
delete root_directory_;
- patched_list.clear();
+ free_buffered_size_ = 0;
truncate64(filename_.c_str(), file_size_);
filename_ = "none";
@@ -943,7 +856,6 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
return SUCCESS;
DAT_RESULT DatFile::SetLocale(LOCALE locale) {
LOG(INFO) << "Setting locale to " << (locale == PATCHED ? " PATCHED" : " ORIGINAL");
if (dat_state_ < READY) {
@@ -978,12 +890,11 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
dictionary_[file_id]->timestamp_ = new_file->timestamp_;
dictionary_[file_id]->version_ = new_file->version_;
- patched_list.insert(file.first);
+ pending_dictionary_.insert(file_id);
dat_state_ = UPDATED;
current_locale_ = locale;
- CommitChanges();
LOG(INFO) << "Locale set successfull";
return SUCCESS;
@@ -1013,7 +924,6 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
dat_state_ = UPDATED;
- CommitChanges();
LOG(INFO) << "Dat file " << (updated ? "WAS " : "WASN'T ") << "updated by game.";
return updated;
@@ -1029,7 +939,6 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
data = db->GetNextFile();
- CommitChanges();
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully repaired with database";
return SUCCESS;
@@ -1136,7 +1045,7 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
file.second->block_size_ = patch_dict_[file_id]->block_size_;
file.second->timestamp_ = patch_dict_[file_id]->timestamp_;
file.second->version_ = patch_dict_[file_id]->version_;
- patched_list.insert(file_id);
+ pending_dictionary_.insert(file_id);
LOG(INFO) << "Category " << category << " enabled successfully";
@@ -1158,7 +1067,7 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
file.second->block_size_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->block_size_;
file.second->timestamp_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->timestamp_;
file.second->version_ = orig_dict_[file_id]->version_;
- patched_list.insert(file_id);
+ pending_dictionary_.insert(file_id);
LOG(INFO) << "Category " << category << " disabled successfully";
@@ -1184,5 +1093,21 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT {
const std::string &DatFile::filename() const {
return filename_;
+ DAT_RESULT DatFile::CommitDirectories() {
+ for (auto file_id : pending_dictionary_) {
+ WriteData(dictionary_[file_id]->MakeHeaderData(), 32, dictionary_[file_id]->dictionary_offset());
+ }
+ pending_dictionary_.clear();
+ return SUCCESS;
+ }
+ void DatFile::AddBufferedSize() {
+ if (free_buffered_size_ >= MIN_BUFFERED_SIZE)
+ return;
+ BinaryData nulls(MAX_BUFFERED_SIZE);
+ WriteData(nulls, MAX_BUFFERED_SIZE, file_size_);
+ free_buffered_size_ = MAX_BUFFERED_SIZE;
+ }