@@ -7,12 +7,14 @@
#include <BinaryData.h>
#include <DatFile.h>
#include <SubFile.h>
+#include <SubDirectory.h>
namespace LOTRO_DAT{
DatFileSystem::DatFileSystem(DatFile *datFilePtr) : dat(datFilePtr) {
LOG(INFO) << "Initialization of empty DatFileSystem";
DatOperationResult<BinaryData> DatFileSystem::GetFileData(long long file_id, long long int offset) {
if (!dat)
return DatOperationResult<BinaryData>(BinaryData(), ERROR, "DatFileSystem error: no connection with Dat (dat is nullptr)");
@@ -69,23 +71,137 @@ namespace LOTRO_DAT{
return DatOperationResult<BinaryData>(data, SUCCESS);
DatOperationResult<SubFile> DatFileSystem::GetFile(long long file_id) {
+ if (!dat)
+ return DatOperationResult<SubFile>(SubFile(), ERROR, "DatFileSystem error: no connection with Dat (dat is nullptr)");
+ if (dictionary_.count(file_id) == 0)
+ return DatOperationResult<SubFile>(SubFile(), ERROR, "No file with id = " + std::to_string(file_id) + " found in dictionary");
+ return DatOperationResult<SubFile>(*dictionary_[file_id].get(), SUCCESS);
DatOperationResult<> DatFileSystem::UpdateFile(const SubFile &file) {
+ if (!dat)
+ return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "DatFileSystem error: no connection with Dat (dat is nullptr)");
+ if (dictionary_.count(file.file_id()) == 0)
+ return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "No file with id = " + std::to_string(file.file_id()) + " found in dictionary. Cannot update file");
+ *dictionary_[file.file_id()] = file;
+ return DatOperationResult<>(SUCCESS);
DatOperationResult<> DatFileSystem::MakeDirectories() {
+ LOG(DEBUG) << "Started making directories";
+ if (!dat)
+ return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "DatFileSystem error: no connection with Dat (dat is nullptr)");
+ root_directory_ = std::make_shared<SubDirectory>((unsigned)dat->getIO().root_directory_offset, *dat);
+ SubDirectory::subdir_init_queue_.insert(root_directory_);
+ while (!SubDirectory::subdir_init_queue_.empty()) {
+ std::shared_ptr<SubDirectory> dir = *SubDirectory::subdir_init_queue_.begin();
+ SubDirectory::subdir_init_queue_.erase(SubDirectory::subdir_init_queue_.begin());
+ if (dir->MakeSubDirectories())
+ SubDirectory::subfile_init_queue_.insert(dir);
+ else
+ dir->clear();
+ }
+ while (!SubDirectory::subfile_init_queue_.empty()) {
+ std::shared_ptr<SubDirectory> dir = *SubDirectory::subfile_init_queue_.begin();
+ SubDirectory::subfile_init_queue_.erase(SubDirectory::subfile_init_queue_.begin());
+ if (!dir->MakeSubFiles())
+ dir->clear();
+ }
+ LOG(DEBUG) << "Directories made successfully";
+ return DatOperationResult<>(SUCCESS);
DatOperationResult<> DatFileSystem::MakeDictionary() {
+ LOG(DEBUG) << "Started making dictionary";
+ if (!dat)
+ return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "DatFileSystem error: no connection with Dat (dat is nullptr)");
+ if (root_directory_ == nullptr) {
+ return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "DatFileSystem error: making dictionary from nullptr root directory");
+ }
+ root_directory_->MakeDictionary(dictionary_);
+ LOG(DEBUG) << "Dictionary made successfull";
+ return DatOperationResult<>(SUCCESS);
DatOperationResult<> DatFileSystem::CommitDirectories() {
+ if (!dat)
+ return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "DatFileSystem error: no connection with Dat (dat is nullptr)");
+ for (auto file_id : subfile_pending_update) {
+ if (dictionary_[file_id] == nullptr)
+ continue;
+ auto operation = CheckCorrectSubfile(*dictionary_[file_id].get());
+ if (operation.result == ERROR) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Check subfile correctness failed. Error message: " << operation.msg;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!operation.value) {
+ LOG(DEBUG) << "Incorrect SubFile " << file_id << " data: doesn't match";
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto operation1 = dat->getIO().WriteData(dictionary_[file_id]->MakeHeaderData(), 32, dictionary_[file_id]->dictionary_offset());
+ if (operation1.result == ERROR) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to write data to dictionary for file " << file_id << ". Returned message: " << operation.msg;
+ }
+ }
+ subfile_pending_update.clear();
+ return DatOperationResult<>(SUCCESS);
+ }
+ DatOperationResult<bool> DatFileSystem::CheckCorrectSubfile(const SubFile &file) {
+ if (!dat)
+ return DatOperationResult<bool>(false, ERROR, "DatFileSystem error: no connection with Dat (dat is nullptr)");
+ BinaryData mfile_id(20);
+ dat->getIO().ReadData(mfile_id, 20, file.file_offset() + 8);
+ if (mfile_id.Empty())
+ return DatOperationResult<bool>(false, SUCCESS);
+ return DatOperationResult<bool>((mfile_id.CheckCompression() || file.file_id() == mfile_id.ToNumber<4>(0)) && file.file_size() < 50ll * 1024ll * 1024ll, SUCCESS);
+ }
+ DatOperationResult<> DatFileSystem::Init() {
+ auto operation = MakeDirectories();
+ if (operation.result == ERROR) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to make direcories. Error msg: " << operation.msg;
+ return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "Unable to init Dat file system due to fail while making directories");
+ }
+ operation = MakeDictionary();
+ if (operation.result == ERROR) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to make dictionary. Error msg: " << operation.msg;
+ return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "Unable to init Dat file system due to fail while making dictionary");
+ }
+ return DatOperationResult<>(SUCCESS);
- DatOperationResult<> DatFileSystem::Init() {}
- DatOperationResult<> DatFileSystem::DeInit() {}
+ DatOperationResult<> DatFileSystem::DeInit() {
+ auto operation = CommitDirectories();
+ if (operation.result == ERROR) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to commit direcories. Error msg: " << operation.msg;
+ return DatOperationResult<>(ERROR, "Unable to deinit Dat file system due to fail while making directories");
+ }
+ return DatOperationResult<>(SUCCESS);
+ }