7.5 KB

  1. #-------------------------------------------------
  2. #
  3. # Project created by QtCreator 2018-03-07T02:18:16
  4. #
  5. #-------------------------------------------------
  6. QT += core gui multimedia
  7. greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
  8. TARGET = game
  9. TEMPLATE = app
  10. CONFIG += c++14
  11. CONFIG += resources_big
  12. # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
  13. # any feature of Qt which has been marked as deprecated (the exact warnings
  14. # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
  15. # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
  17. # You can also make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs.
  18. # In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
  19. # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt.
  20. #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
  21. INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/include/
  22. INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/ui/
  23. # ================================================== #
  24. message(================QT INFO====================)
  25. message(Qt version: $$[QT_VERSION])
  26. message(Qt is installed in $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX])
  27. # ================================================== #
  28. message(==========BUILDING EXTERNAL RES============)
  29. win32 {
  30. build_pass: CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
  31. DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/debug
  32. }
  33. else: build_pass {
  34. DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/release
  35. }
  36. }
  37. unix {
  39. }
  40. = BuildResources
  41. exists($$DESTDIR/res) {
  42. message("Directory $$DESTDIR/res already exists")
  43. } else {
  44. guiRes.commands += $(MKDIR) \"$$DESTDIR/res\" $$escape_expand(\n\t)
  45. }
  46. EXT_RES = \
  47. "$$PWD/res/main_menu.qrc -o $$DESTDIR/res/data001.gtr" \
  48. "$$PWD/res/hotseat_intro.qrc -o $$DESTDIR/res/data002.gtr" \
  49. "$$PWD/res/hotseat_recruitment.qrc -o $$DESTDIR/res/data003.gtr" \
  50. "$$PWD/res/hotseat_prebattle.qrc -o $$DESTDIR/res/data004.gtr" \
  51. "$$PWD/res/hotseat_game.qrc -o $$DESTDIR/res/data005.gtr" \
  52. "$$PWD/res/effect_data.qrc -o $$DESTDIR/res/data006.gtr" \
  53. "$$PWD/res/spell_data.qrc -o $$DESTDIR/res/data007.gtr" \
  54. "$$PWD/res/unit_data.qrc -o $$DESTDIR/res/data008.gtr" \
  55. "$$PWD/res/common_data.qrc -o $$DESTDIR/res/data009.gtr" \
  56. for (RES, EXT_RES) {
  57. win32 {
  58. message(rcc.exe -binary $${RES})
  59. guiRes.commands += rcc.exe -binary $${RES} $$escape_expand(\n\t)
  60. }
  61. unix {
  62. guiRes.commands += rcc -binary $${RES} $$escape_expand(\n\t)
  63. }
  64. }
  66. PRE_TARGETDEPS += BuildResources
  67. # ================================================== #
  68. SOURCES += \
  69. source/main.cpp \
  70. source/cell.cpp \
  71. source/playermanager.cpp \
  72. source/race.cpp \
  73. source/racemanager.cpp \
  74. source/soundengine.cpp \
  75. \
  76. \ #source/effects/effect.cpp \
  77. \ #source/effects/melledamage.cpp \
  78. \ #source/effects/selfheal.cpp \
  79. \
  80. source/gui/guiscenemanager.cpp \
  81. source/gui/scene.cpp \
  82. \
  83. source/hotseatgame/raceicon.cpp \
  84. source/hotseatgame/uniticon.cpp \
  85. source/hotseatgame/gamemanager.cpp \
  86. source/hotseatgame/unitsqueue.cpp \
  87. \
  88. \ #source/skills/spell.cpp \
  89. \ #source/skills/selfheal.cpp \
  90. \ #source/skills/melledamage.cpp \
  91. \
  92. source/units/unit.cpp \
  93. \
  94. ui/hotseat_game/hotseatgame.cpp \
  95. ui/hotseat_intro/playervsplayerintro.cpp \
  96. ui/hotseat_prebattle/prebattlescene.cpp \
  97. ui/hotseat_recruitment/recruitmentscene.cpp \
  98. ui/loading_form/loadingform.cpp \
  99. ui/main_menu/mainmenu.cpp \
  100. ui/main_menu/mainmenubackground.cpp \
  101. source/gui/buttoneventlistener.cpp \
  102. ui/hotseat_recruitment/iconhint.cpp \
  103. ui/dialog_form/dialogform.cpp \
  104. ui/about_us/aboutus.cpp
  105. HEADERS += \
  106. include/abstractfactory.h \
  107. include/cell.h \
  108. include/player.h \
  109. include/playermanager.h \
  110. include/race.h \
  111. include/racemanager.h \
  112. include/soundengine.h \
  113. \
  114. \ #include/effects/effect.h \
  115. \ #include/effects/melledamage.h \
  116. \ #include/effects/selfheal.h \
  117. \
  118. include/gui/guiscenemanager.h \
  119. include/gui/scene.h \
  120. include/gui/buttoneventlistener.h \
  121. \
  122. include/hotseatgame/gamemanager.h \
  123. include/hotseatgame/raceicon.h \
  124. include/hotseatgame/uniticon.h \
  125. include/hotseatgame/unitsqueue.h \
  126. \
  127. \ #include/skills/melledamage.h \
  128. \ #include/skills/selfheal.h \
  129. \ #include/skills/spell.h \
  130. \
  131. include/units/unit.h \
  132. \
  133. ui/hotseat_game/hotseatgame.h \
  134. ui/hotseat_intro/playervsplayerintro.h \
  135. ui/hotseat_prebattle/prebattlescene.h \
  136. ui/hotseat_recruitment/recruitmentscene.h \
  137. ui/loading_form/loadingform.h \
  138. ui/main_menu/mainmenu.h \
  139. ui/main_menu/mainmenubackground.h \
  140. ui/hotseat_recruitment/iconhint.h \
  141. ui/dialog_form/dialogform.h \
  142. ui/about_us/aboutus.h
  143. FORMS += \
  144. ui/hotseat_game/hotseatgame.ui \
  145. ui/hotseat_intro/playervsplayerintro.ui \
  146. ui/hotseat_prebattle/prebattlescene.ui \
  147. ui/hotseat_recruitment/recruitmentscene.ui \
  148. ui/loading_form/loadingform.ui \
  149. ui/main_menu/mainmenu.ui \
  150. ui/main_menu/mainmenubackground.ui \
  151. ui/dialog_form/dialogform.ui \
  152. ui/about_us/aboutus.ui
  153. debug {
  154. #CONFIG += console
  155. RESOURCES += \
  156. # res/hotseat_intro.qrc \
  157. # res/hotseat_recruitment.qrc \
  158. # res/hotseat_prebattle.qrc \
  159. # res/hotseat_game.qrc \
  160. # res/main_menu.qrc \
  161. # res/hotseat_intro.qrc \
  162. # \
  163. # res/effect_data.qrc \
  164. # res/spell_data.qrc \
  165. # res/unit_data.qrc \
  166. # res/common_data.qrc
  167. # res/all_data.qrc
  168. }
  169. RC_ICONS = $$PWD/assets/common/icon.ico