Dockerfile 562 B

  1. FROM ubuntu
  2. # Set the file maintainer (your name - the file's author)
  3. MAINTAINER Borja Burgos <>
  4. ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
  5. # Update the default application repository sources list
  6. RUN apt-get update
  7. # Install Memcached
  8. RUN apt-get install -y memcached
  9. # Port to expose (default: 11211)
  10. EXPOSE 11211
  11. # Default Memcached run command arguments
  12. # Change to limit memory when creating container in Tutum
  13. CMD ["-m", "64"]
  14. # Set the user to run Memcached daemon
  15. USER daemon
  16. # Set the entrypoint to memcached binary
  17. ENTRYPOINT memcached