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  1. This is a '''list of newspapers published by [[Journal Register Company]]'''.
  2. The company owns daily and weekly newspapers, other print media properties and newspaper-affiliated local Websites in the [[U.S.]] states of [[Connecticut]], [[Michigan]], [[New York]], [[Ohio]] and [[Pennsylvania]], organized in six geographic "clusters":<ref>[http://www.journalregister.com/newspapers.html Journal Register Company: Our Newspapers], accessed February 10, 2008.</ref>
  3. == Capital-Saratoga ==
  4. Three dailies, associated weeklies and [[pennysaver]]s in greater [[Albany, New York]]; also [http://www.capitalcentral.com capitalcentral.com] and [http://www.jobsinnewyork.com JobsInNewYork.com].
  5. * ''The Oneida Daily Dispatch'' {{WS|oneidadispatch.com}} of [[Oneida, New York]]
  6. * ''[[The Record (Troy)|The Record]]'' {{WS|troyrecord.com}} of [[Troy, New York]]
  7. * ''[[The Saratogian]]'' {{WS|saratogian.com}} of [[Saratoga Springs, New York]]
  8. * Weeklies:
  9. ** ''Community News'' {{WS|cnweekly.com}} weekly of [[Clifton Park, New York]]
  10. ** ''Rome Observer'' of [[Rome, New York]]
  11. ** ''Life & Times of Utica'' of [[Utica, New York]]
  12. == Connecticut ==
  13. Five dailies, associated weeklies and [[pennysaver]]s in the state of [[Connecticut]]; also [http://www.ctcentral.com CTcentral.com], [http://www.ctcarsandtrucks.com CTCarsAndTrucks.com] and [http://www.jobsinct.com JobsInCT.com].
  14. * ''The Middletown Press'' {{WS|middletownpress.com}} of [[Middletown, Connecticut|Middletown]]
  15. * ''[[New Haven Register]]'' {{WS|newhavenregister.com}} of [[New Haven, Connecticut|New Haven]]
  16. * ''The Register Citizen'' {{WS|registercitizen.com}} of [[Torrington, Connecticut|Torrington]]
  17. * [[New Haven Register#Competitors|Elm City Newspapers]] {{WS|ctcentral.com}}
  18. ** ''The Advertiser'' of [[East Haven, Connecticut|East Haven]]
  19. ** ''Hamden Chronicle'' of [[Hamden, Connecticut|Hamden]]
  20. ** ''Milford Weekly'' of [[Milford, Connecticut|Milford]]
  21. ** ''The Orange Bulletin'' of [[Orange, Connecticut|Orange]]
  22. ** ''The Post'' of [[North Haven, Connecticut|North Haven]]
  23. ** ''Shelton Weekly'' of [[Shelton, Connecticut|Shelton]]
  24. ** ''The Stratford Bard'' of [[Stratford, Connecticut|Stratford]]
  25. ** ''Wallingford Voice'' of [[Wallingford, Connecticut|Wallingford]]
  26. ** ''West Haven News'' of [[West Haven, Connecticut|West Haven]]
  27. * Housatonic Publications
  28. ** ''The New Milford Times'' {{WS|newmilfordtimes.com}} of [[New Milford, Connecticut|New Milford]]
  29. ** ''The Brookfield Journal'' of [[Brookfield, Connecticut|Brookfield]]
  30. ** ''The Kent Good Times Dispatch'' of [[Kent, Connecticut|Kent]]
  31. ** ''The Bethel Beacon'' of [[Bethel, Connecticut|Bethel]]
  32. ** ''The Litchfield Enquirer'' of [[Litchfield, Connecticut|Litchfield]]
  33. ** ''Litchfield County Times'' of [[Litchfield, Connecticut|Litchfield]]
  34. * Imprint Newspapers {{WS|imprintnewspapers.com}}
  35. ** ''West Hartford News'' of [[West Hartford, Connecticut|West Hartford]]
  36. ** ''Windsor Journal'' of [[Windsor, Connecticut|Windsor]]
  37. ** ''Windsor Locks Journal'' of [[Windsor Locks, Connecticut|Windsor Locks]]
  38. ** ''Avon Post'' of [[Avon, Connecticut|Avon]]
  39. ** ''Farmington Post'' of [[Farmington, Connecticut|Farmington]]
  40. ** ''Simsbury Post'' of [[Simsbury, Connecticut|Simsbury]]
  41. ** ''Tri-Town Post'' of [[Burlington, Connecticut|Burlington]], [[Canton, Connecticut|Canton]] and [[Harwinton, Connecticut|Harwinton]]
  42. * Minuteman Publications
  43. ** ''[[Fairfield Minuteman]]'' of [[Fairfield, Connecticut|Fairfield]]
  44. ** ''The Westport Minuteman'' {{WS|westportminuteman.com}} of [[Westport, Connecticut|Westport]]
  45. * Shoreline Newspapers weeklies:
  46. ** ''Branford Review'' of [[Branford, Connecticut|Branford]]
  47. ** ''Clinton Recorder'' of [[Clinton, Connecticut|Clinton]]
  48. ** ''The Dolphin'' of [[Naval Submarine Base New London]] in [[New London, Connecticut|New London]]
  49. ** ''Main Street News'' {{WS|ctmainstreetnews.com}} of [[Essex, Connecticut|Essex]]
  50. ** ''Pictorial Gazette'' of [[Old Saybrook, Connecticut|Old Saybrook]]
  51. ** ''Regional Express'' of [[Colchester, Connecticut|Colchester]]
  52. ** ''Regional Standard'' of [[Colchester, Connecticut|Colchester]]
  53. ** ''Shoreline Times'' {{WS|shorelinetimes.com}} of [[Guilford, Connecticut|Guilford]]
  54. ** ''Shore View East'' of [[Madison, Connecticut|Madison]]
  55. ** ''Shore View West'' of [[Guilford, Connecticut|Guilford]]
  56. * Other weeklies:
  57. ** ''Registro'' {{WS|registroct.com}} of [[New Haven, Connecticut|New Haven]]
  58. ** ''Thomaston Express'' {{WS|thomastownexpress.com}} of [[Thomaston, Connecticut|Thomaston]]
  59. ** ''Foothills Traders'' {{WS|foothillstrader.com}} of Torrington, Bristol, Canton
  60. == Michigan ==
  61. Four dailies, associated weeklies and [[pennysaver]]s in the state of [[Michigan]]; also [http://www.micentralhomes.com MIcentralhomes.com] and [http://www.micentralautos.com MIcentralautos.com]
  62. * ''[[Oakland Press]]'' {{WS|theoaklandpress.com}} of [[Oakland, Michigan|Oakland]]
  63. * ''Daily Tribune'' {{WS|dailytribune.com}} of [[Royal Oak, Michigan|Royal Oak]]
  64. * ''Macomb Daily'' {{WS|macombdaily.com}} of [[Mt. Clemens, Michigan|Mt. Clemens]]
  65. * ''[[Morning Sun]]'' {{WS|themorningsun.com}} of [[Mount Pleasant, Michigan|Mount Pleasant]]
  66. * Heritage Newspapers {{WS|heritage.com}}
  67. ** ''Belleville View''
  68. ** ''Ile Camera''
  69. ** ''Monroe Guardian''
  70. ** ''Ypsilanti Courier''
  71. ** ''News-Herald''
  72. ** ''Press & Guide''
  73. ** ''Chelsea Standard & Dexter Leader''
  74. ** ''Manchester Enterprise''
  75. ** ''Milan News-Leader''
  76. ** ''Saline Reporter''
  77. * Independent Newspapers {{WS|sourcenewspapers.com}}
  78. ** ''Advisor''
  79. ** ''Source''
  80. * Morning Star {{WS|morningstarpublishing.com}}
  81. ** ''Alma Reminder''
  82. ** ''Alpena Star''
  83. ** ''Antrim County News''
  84. ** ''Carson City Reminder''
  85. ** ''The Leader & Kalkaskian''
  86. ** ''Ogemaw/Oscoda County Star''
  87. ** ''Petoskey/Charlevoix Star''
  88. ** ''Presque Isle Star''
  89. ** ''Preview Community Weekly''
  90. ** ''Roscommon County Star''
  91. ** ''St. Johns Reminder''
  92. ** ''Straits Area Star''
  93. ** ''The (Edmore) Advertiser''
  94. * Voice Newspapers {{WS|voicenews.com}}
  95. ** ''Armada Times''
  96. ** ''Bay Voice''
  97. ** ''Blue Water Voice''
  98. ** ''Downriver Voice''
  99. ** ''Macomb Township Voice''
  100. ** ''North Macomb Voice''
  101. ** ''Weekend Voice''
  102. ** ''Suburban Lifestyles'' {{WS|suburbanlifestyles.com}}
  103. == Mid-Hudson ==
  104. One daily, associated magazines in the [[Hudson River Valley]] of [[New York]]; also [http://www.midhudsoncentral.com MidHudsonCentral.com] and [http://www.jobsinnewyork.com JobsInNewYork.com].
  105. * ''[[Daily Freeman]]'' {{WS|dailyfreeman.com}} of [[Kingston, New York]]
  106. == Ohio ==
  107. Two dailies, associated magazines and three shared Websites, all in the state of [[Ohio]]: [http://www.allaroundcleveland.com AllAroundCleveland.com], [http://www.allaroundclevelandcars.com AllAroundClevelandCars.com] and [http://www.allaroundclevelandjobs.com AllAroundClevelandJobs.com].
  108. * ''[[The News-Herald (Ohio)|The News-Herald]]'' {{WS|news-herald.com}} of [[Willoughby, Ohio|Willoughby]]
  109. * ''[[The Morning Journal]]'' {{WS|morningjournal.com}} of [[Lorain, Ohio|Lorain]]
  110. == Philadelphia area ==
  111. Seven dailies and associated weeklies and magazines in [[Pennsylvania]] and [[New Jersey]], and associated Websites: [http://www.allaroundphilly.com AllAroundPhilly.com], [http://www.jobsinnj.com JobsInNJ.com], [http://www.jobsinpa.com JobsInPA.com], and [http://www.phillycarsearch.com PhillyCarSearch.com].
  112. * ''The Daily Local'' {{WS|dailylocal.com}} of [[West Chester, Pennsylvania|West Chester]]
  113. * ''[[Delaware County Daily and Sunday Times]] {{WS|delcotimes.com}} of Primos
  114. * ''[[The Mercury (Pennsylvania)|The Mercury]]'' {{WS|pottstownmercury.com}} of [[Pottstown, Pennsylvania|Pottstown]]
  115. * ''The Phoenix'' {{WS|phoenixvillenews.com}} of [[Phoenixville, Pennsylvania|Phoenixville]]
  116. * ''[[The Reporter (Lansdale)|The Reporter]]'' {{WS|thereporteronline.com}} of [[Lansdale, Pennsylvania|Lansdale]]
  117. * ''The Times Herald'' {{WS|timesherald.com}} of [[Norristown, Pennsylvania|Norristown]]
  118. * ''[[The Trentonian]]'' {{WS|trentonian.com}} of [[Trenton, New Jersey]]
  119. * Weeklies
  120. ** ''El Latino Expreso'' of [[Trenton, New Jersey]]
  121. ** ''La Voz'' of [[Norristown, Pennsylvania]]
  122. ** ''The Village News'' of [[Downingtown, Pennsylvania]]
  123. ** ''The Times Record'' of [[Kennett Square, Pennsylvania]]
  124. ** ''The Tri-County Record'' {{WS|tricountyrecord.com}} of [[Morgantown, Pennsylvania]]
  125. ** ''News of Delaware County'' {{WS|newsofdelawarecounty.com}}of [[Havertown, Pennsylvania]]
  126. ** ''Main Line Times'' {{WS|mainlinetimes.com}}of [[Ardmore, Pennsylvania]]
  127. ** ''Penny Pincher'' of [[Pottstown, Pennsylvania]]
  128. ** ''Town Talk'' {{WS|towntalknews.com}} of [[Ridley, Pennsylvania]]
  129. * Chesapeake Publishing {{WS|pa8newsgroup.com}}
  130. ** ''Solanco Sun Ledger'' of [[Quarryville, Pennsylvania]]
  131. ** ''Columbia Ledger'' of [[Columbia, Pennsylvania]]
  132. ** ''Coatesville Ledger'' of [[Downingtown, Pennsylvania]]
  133. ** ''Parkesburg Post Ledger'' of [[Quarryville, Pennsylvania]]
  134. ** ''Downingtown Ledger'' of [[Downingtown, Pennsylvania]]
  135. ** ''The Kennett Paper'' of [[Kennett Square, Pennsylvania]]
  136. ** ''Avon Grove Sun'' of [[West Grove, Pennsylvania]]
  137. ** ''Oxford Tribune'' of [[Oxford, Pennsylvania]]
  138. ** ''Elizabethtown Chronicle'' of [[Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania]]
  139. ** ''Donegal Ledger'' of [[Donegal, Pennsylvania]]
  140. ** ''Chadds Ford Post'' of [[Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania]]
  141. ** ''The Central Record'' of [[Medford, New Jersey]]
  142. ** ''Maple Shade Progress'' of [[Maple Shade, New Jersey]]
  143. * Intercounty Newspapers {{WS|buckslocalnews.com}}
  144. ** ''The Review'' of Roxborough, Pennsylvania
  145. ** ''The Recorder'' of [[Conshohocken, Pennsylvania]]
  146. ** ''The Leader'' of [[Mount Airy, Pennsylvania|Mount Airy]] and West Oak Lake, Pennsylvania
  147. ** ''The Pennington Post'' of [[Pennington, New Jersey]]
  148. ** ''The Bristol Pilot'' of [[Bristol, Pennsylvania]]
  149. ** ''Yardley News'' of [[Yardley, Pennsylvania]]
  150. ** ''New Hope Gazette'' of [[New Hope, Pennsylvania]]
  151. ** ''Doylestown Patriot'' of [[Doylestown, Pennsylvania]]
  152. ** ''Newtown Advance'' of [[Newtown, Pennsylvania]]
  153. ** ''The Plain Dealer'' of [[Williamstown, New Jersey]]
  154. ** ''News Report'' of [[Sewell, New Jersey]]
  155. ** ''Record Breeze'' of [[Berlin, New Jersey]]
  156. ** ''Newsweekly'' of [[Moorestown, New Jersey]]
  157. ** ''Haddon Herald'' of [[Haddonfield, New Jersey]]
  158. ** ''New Egypt Press'' of [[New Egypt, New Jersey]]
  159. ** ''Community News'' of [[Pemberton, New Jersey]]
  160. ** ''Plymouth Meeting Journal'' of [[Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania]]
  161. ** ''Lafayette Hill Journal'' of [[Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania]]
  162. * Montgomery Newspapers {{WS|montgomerynews.com}}
  163. ** ''Ambler Gazette'' of [[Ambler, Pennsylvania]]
  164. ** ''Central Bucks Life'' of [[Bucks County, Pennsylvania]]
  165. ** ''The Colonial'' of [[Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania]]
  166. ** ''Glenside News'' of [[Glenside, Pennsylvania]]
  167. ** ''The Globe'' of [[Lower Moreland Township, Pennsylvania]]
  168. ** ''Main Line Life'' of [[Ardmore, Pennsylvania]]
  169. ** ''Montgomery Life'' of [[Fort Washington, Pennsylvania]]
  170. ** ''North Penn Life'' of [[Lansdale, Pennsylvania]]
  171. ** ''Perkasie News Herald'' of [[Perkasie, Pennsylvania]]
  172. ** ''Public Spirit'' of [[Hatboro, Pennsylvania]]
  173. ** ''Souderton Independent'' of [[Souderton, Pennsylvania]]
  174. ** ''Springfield Sun'' of [[Springfield, Pennsylvania]]
  175. ** ''Spring-Ford Reporter'' of [[Royersford, Pennsylvania]]
  176. ** ''Times Chronicle'' of [[Jenkintown, Pennsylvania]]
  177. ** ''Valley Item'' of [[Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania]]
  178. ** ''Willow Grove Guide'' of [[Willow Grove, Pennsylvania]]
  179. * News Gleaner Publications (closed December 2008) {{WS|newsgleaner.com}}
  180. ** ''Life Newspapers'' of [[Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]]
  181. * Suburban Publications
  182. ** ''The Suburban & Wayne Times'' {{WS|waynesuburban.com}} of [[Wayne, Pennsylvania]]
  183. ** ''The Suburban Advertiser'' of [[Exton, Pennsylvania]]
  184. ** ''The King of Prussia Courier'' of [[King of Prussia, Pennsylvania]]
  185. * Press Newspapers {{WS|countypressonline.com}}
  186. ** ''County Press'' of [[Newtown Square, Pennsylvania]]
  187. ** ''Garnet Valley Press'' of [[Glen Mills, Pennsylvania]]
  188. ** ''Haverford Press'' of [[Newtown Square, Pennsylvania]] (closed January 2009)
  189. ** ''Hometown Press'' of [[Glen Mills, Pennsylvania]] (closed January 2009)
  190. ** ''Media Press'' of [[Newtown Square, Pennsylvania]] (closed January 2009)
  191. ** ''Springfield Press'' of [[Springfield, Pennsylvania]]
  192. * Berks-Mont Newspapers {{WS|berksmontnews.com}}
  193. ** ''The Boyertown Area Times'' of [[Boyertown, Pennsylvania]]
  194. ** ''The Kutztown Area Patriot'' of [[Kutztown, Pennsylvania]]
  195. ** ''The Hamburg Area Item'' of [[Hamburg, Pennsylvania]]
  196. ** ''The Southern Berks News'' of [[Exeter Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania]]
  197. ** ''The Free Press'' of [[Quakertown, Pennsylvania]]
  198. ** ''The Saucon News'' of [[Quakertown, Pennsylvania]]
  199. ** ''Westside Weekly'' of [[Reading, Pennsylvania]]
  200. * Magazines
  201. ** ''Bucks Co. Town & Country Living''
  202. ** ''Chester Co. Town & Country Living''
  203. ** ''Montomgery Co. Town & Country Living''
  204. ** ''Garden State Town & Country Living''
  205. ** ''Montgomery Homes''
  206. ** ''Philadelphia Golfer''
  207. ** ''Parents Express''
  208. ** ''Art Matters''
  209. {{JRC}}
  210. ==References==
  211. <references />
  212. [[Category:Journal Register publications|*]]