@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ issues.new_label = New Label
issues.new_label_placeholder = Label name...
issues.create_label = Create Label
issues.label_templates.title = Load a predefined set of labels
-issues.label_templates.info = There aren’t any labels yet. You can click on the "New Label" button above to create one or use a predefined set below.
+issues.label_templates.info = There aren't any labels yet. You can click on the "New Label" button above to create one or use a predefined set below.
issues.label_templates.helper = Select a label set
issues.label_templates.use = Use this label set
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file = Failed to load label template file '%s': %v
@@ -656,6 +656,7 @@ settings.protect_require_pull_request = Require pull request instead direct push
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc = Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers = Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc = Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
+settings.update_protect_branch_success = Protect options for this branch has been updated successfully!
settings.hooks = Webhooks
settings.githooks = Git Hooks
settings.basic_settings = Basic Settings