@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Martini Contrib Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package middleware
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "mime/multipart"
+ "net/http"
+ "net/http/httptest"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ "github.com/codegangsta/martini"
+func TestBind(t *testing.T) {
+ testBind(t, false)
+func TestBindWithInterface(t *testing.T) {
+ testBind(t, true)
+func TestMultipartBind(t *testing.T) {
+ index := 0
+ for test, expectStatus := range bindMultipartTests {
+ handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) {
+ handle(test, t, index, post, errors)
+ }
+ recorder := testMultipart(t, test, Bind(BlogPost{}), handler, index)
+ if recorder.Code != expectStatus {
+ t.Errorf("On test case %v, got status code %d but expected %d", test, recorder.Code, expectStatus)
+ }
+ index++
+ }
+func TestForm(t *testing.T) {
+ testForm(t, false)
+func TestFormWithInterface(t *testing.T) {
+ testForm(t, true)
+func TestEmptyForm(t *testing.T) {
+ testEmptyForm(t)
+func TestMultipartForm(t *testing.T) {
+ for index, test := range multipartformTests {
+ handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) {
+ handle(test, t, index, post, errors)
+ }
+ testMultipart(t, test, MultipartForm(BlogPost{}), handler, index)
+ }
+func TestMultipartFormWithInterface(t *testing.T) {
+ for index, test := range multipartformTests {
+ handler := func(post Modeler, errors Errors) {
+ post.Create(test, t, index)
+ }
+ testMultipart(t, test, MultipartForm(BlogPost{}, (*Modeler)(nil)), handler, index)
+ }
+func TestJson(t *testing.T) {
+ testJson(t, false)
+func TestJsonWithInterface(t *testing.T) {
+ testJson(t, true)
+func TestEmptyJson(t *testing.T) {
+ testEmptyJson(t)
+func TestValidate(t *testing.T) {
+ handlerMustErr := func(errors Errors) {
+ if errors.Count() == 0 {
+ t.Error("Expected at least one error, got 0")
+ }
+ }
+ handlerNoErr := func(errors Errors) {
+ if errors.Count() > 0 {
+ t.Error("Expected no errors, got", errors.Count())
+ }
+ }
+ performValidationTest(&BlogPost{"", "...", 0, 0, []int{}}, handlerMustErr, t)
+ performValidationTest(&BlogPost{"Good Title", "Good content", 0, 0, []int{}}, handlerNoErr, t)
+ performValidationTest(&User{Name: "Jim", Home: Address{"", ""}}, handlerMustErr, t)
+ performValidationTest(&User{Name: "Jim", Home: Address{"required", ""}}, handlerNoErr, t)
+func handle(test testCase, t *testing.T, index int, post BlogPost, errors Errors) {
+ assertEqualField(t, "Title", index, test.ref.Title, post.Title)
+ assertEqualField(t, "Content", index, test.ref.Content, post.Content)
+ assertEqualField(t, "Views", index, test.ref.Views, post.Views)
+ for i := range test.ref.Multiple {
+ if i >= len(post.Multiple) {
+ t.Errorf("Expected: %v (size %d) to have same size as: %v (size %d)", post.Multiple, len(post.Multiple), test.ref.Multiple, len(test.ref.Multiple))
+ break
+ }
+ if test.ref.Multiple[i] != post.Multiple[i] {
+ t.Errorf("Expected: %v to deep equal: %v", post.Multiple, test.ref.Multiple)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if test.ok && errors.Count() > 0 {
+ t.Errorf("%+v should be OK (0 errors), but had errors: %+v", test, errors)
+ } else if !test.ok && errors.Count() == 0 {
+ t.Errorf("%+v should have errors, but was OK (0 errors): %+v", test)
+ }
+func handleEmpty(test emptyPayloadTestCase, t *testing.T, index int, section BlogSection, errors Errors) {
+ assertEqualField(t, "Title", index, test.ref.Title, section.Title)
+ assertEqualField(t, "Content", index, test.ref.Content, section.Content)
+ if test.ok && errors.Count() > 0 {
+ t.Errorf("%+v should be OK (0 errors), but had errors: %+v", test, errors)
+ } else if !test.ok && errors.Count() == 0 {
+ t.Errorf("%+v should have errors, but was OK (0 errors): %+v", test)
+ }
+func testBind(t *testing.T, withInterface bool) {
+ index := 0
+ for test, expectStatus := range bindTests {
+ m := martini.Classic()
+ recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { handle(test, t, index, post, errors) }
+ binding := Bind(BlogPost{})
+ if withInterface {
+ handler = func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) {
+ post.Create(test, t, index)
+ }
+ binding = Bind(BlogPost{}, (*Modeler)(nil))
+ }
+ switch test.method {
+ case "GET":
+ m.Get(route, binding, handler)
+ case "POST":
+ m.Post(route, binding, handler)
+ }
+ req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, strings.NewReader(test.payload))
+ req.Header.Add("Content-Type", test.contentType)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+ m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
+ if recorder.Code != expectStatus {
+ t.Errorf("On test case %v, got status code %d but expected %d", test, recorder.Code, expectStatus)
+ }
+ index++
+ }
+func testJson(t *testing.T, withInterface bool) {
+ for index, test := range jsonTests {
+ recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { handle(test, t, index, post, errors) }
+ binding := Json(BlogPost{})
+ if withInterface {
+ handler = func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) {
+ post.Create(test, t, index)
+ }
+ binding = Bind(BlogPost{}, (*Modeler)(nil))
+ }
+ m := martini.Classic()
+ switch test.method {
+ case "GET":
+ m.Get(route, binding, handler)
+ case "POST":
+ m.Post(route, binding, handler)
+ case "PUT":
+ m.Put(route, binding, handler)
+ case "DELETE":
+ m.Delete(route, binding, handler)
+ }
+ req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, route, strings.NewReader(test.payload))
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+ m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
+ }
+func testEmptyJson(t *testing.T) {
+ for index, test := range emptyPayloadTests {
+ recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ handler := func(section BlogSection, errors Errors) { handleEmpty(test, t, index, section, errors) }
+ binding := Json(BlogSection{})
+ m := martini.Classic()
+ switch test.method {
+ case "GET":
+ m.Get(route, binding, handler)
+ case "POST":
+ m.Post(route, binding, handler)
+ case "PUT":
+ m.Put(route, binding, handler)
+ case "DELETE":
+ m.Delete(route, binding, handler)
+ }
+ req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, route, strings.NewReader(test.payload))
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+ m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
+ }
+func testForm(t *testing.T, withInterface bool) {
+ for index, test := range formTests {
+ recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { handle(test, t, index, post, errors) }
+ binding := Form(BlogPost{})
+ if withInterface {
+ handler = func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) {
+ post.Create(test, t, index)
+ }
+ binding = Form(BlogPost{}, (*Modeler)(nil))
+ }
+ m := martini.Classic()
+ switch test.method {
+ case "GET":
+ m.Get(route, binding, handler)
+ case "POST":
+ m.Post(route, binding, handler)
+ }
+ req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+ m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
+ }
+func testEmptyForm(t *testing.T) {
+ for index, test := range emptyPayloadTests {
+ recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ handler := func(section BlogSection, errors Errors) { handleEmpty(test, t, index, section, errors) }
+ binding := Form(BlogSection{})
+ m := martini.Classic()
+ switch test.method {
+ case "GET":
+ m.Get(route, binding, handler)
+ case "POST":
+ m.Post(route, binding, handler)
+ }
+ req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+ m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
+ }
+func testMultipart(t *testing.T, test testCase, middleware martini.Handler, handler martini.Handler, index int) *httptest.ResponseRecorder {
+ recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ m := martini.Classic()
+ m.Post(route, middleware, handler)
+ body := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ writer := multipart.NewWriter(body)
+ writer.WriteField("title", test.ref.Title)
+ writer.WriteField("content", test.ref.Content)
+ writer.WriteField("views", strconv.Itoa(test.ref.Views))
+ if len(test.ref.Multiple) != 0 {
+ for _, value := range test.ref.Multiple {
+ writer.WriteField("multiple", strconv.Itoa(value))
+ }
+ }
+ req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, body)
+ req.Header.Add("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType())
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+ err = writer.Close()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+ m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
+ return recorder
+func assertEqualField(t *testing.T, fieldname string, testcasenumber int, expected interface{}, got interface{}) {
+ if expected != got {
+ t.Errorf("%s: expected=%s, got=%s in test case %d\n", fieldname, expected, got, testcasenumber)
+ }
+func performValidationTest(data interface{}, handler func(Errors), t *testing.T) {
+ recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ m := martini.Classic()
+ m.Get(route, Validate(data), handler)
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", route, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error("HTTP error:", err)
+ }
+ m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
+func (self BlogPost) Validate(errors *Errors, req *http.Request) {
+ if len(self.Title) < 4 {
+ errors.Fields["Title"] = "Too short; minimum 4 characters"
+ }
+ if len(self.Content) > 1024 {
+ errors.Fields["Content"] = "Too long; maximum 1024 characters"
+ }
+ if len(self.Content) < 5 {
+ errors.Fields["Content"] = "Too short; minimum 5 characters"
+ }
+func (self BlogPost) Create(test testCase, t *testing.T, index int) {
+ assertEqualField(t, "Title", index, test.ref.Title, self.Title)
+ assertEqualField(t, "Content", index, test.ref.Content, self.Content)
+ assertEqualField(t, "Views", index, test.ref.Views, self.Views)
+ for i := range test.ref.Multiple {
+ if i >= len(self.Multiple) {
+ t.Errorf("Expected: %v (size %d) to have same size as: %v (size %d)", self.Multiple, len(self.Multiple), test.ref.Multiple, len(test.ref.Multiple))
+ break
+ }
+ if test.ref.Multiple[i] != self.Multiple[i] {
+ t.Errorf("Expected: %v to deep equal: %v", self.Multiple, test.ref.Multiple)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+func (self BlogSection) Create(test emptyPayloadTestCase, t *testing.T, index int) {
+ // intentionally left empty
+type (
+ testCase struct {
+ method string
+ path string
+ payload string
+ contentType string
+ ok bool
+ ref *BlogPost
+ }
+ emptyPayloadTestCase struct {
+ method string
+ path string
+ payload string
+ contentType string
+ ok bool
+ ref *BlogSection
+ }
+ Modeler interface {
+ Create(test testCase, t *testing.T, index int)
+ }
+ BlogPost struct {
+ Title string `form:"title" json:"title" binding:"required"`
+ Content string `form:"content" json:"content"`
+ Views int `form:"views" json:"views"`
+ internal int `form:"-"`
+ Multiple []int `form:"multiple"`
+ }
+ BlogSection struct {
+ Title string `form:"title" json:"title"`
+ Content string `form:"content" json:"content"`
+ }
+ User struct {
+ Name string `json:"name" binding:"required"`
+ Home Address `json:"address" binding:"required"`
+ }
+ Address struct {
+ Street1 string `json:"street1" binding:"required"`
+ Street2 string `json:"street2"`
+ }
+var (
+ bindTests = map[testCase]int{
+ // These should bail at the deserialization/binding phase
+ testCase{
+ "POST",
+ path,
+ `{ bad JSON `,
+ "application/json",
+ false,
+ new(BlogPost),
+ }: http.StatusBadRequest,
+ testCase{
+ "POST",
+ path,
+ `not multipart but has content-type`,
+ "multipart/form-data",
+ false,
+ new(BlogPost),
+ }: http.StatusBadRequest,
+ testCase{
+ "POST",
+ path,
+ `no content-type and not URL-encoded or JSON"`,
+ "",
+ false,
+ new(BlogPost),
+ }: http.StatusBadRequest,
+ // These should deserialize, then bail at the validation phase
+ testCase{
+ "POST",
+ path + "?title= This is wrong ",
+ `not URL-encoded but has content-type`,
+ "x-www-form-urlencoded",
+ false,
+ new(BlogPost),
+ }: 422, // according to comments in Form() -> although the request is not url encoded, ParseForm does not complain
+ testCase{
+ "GET",
+ path + "?content=This+is+the+content",
+ ``,
+ "x-www-form-urlencoded",
+ false,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "", Content: "This is the content"},
+ }: 422,
+ testCase{
+ "GET",
+ path + "",
+ `{"content":"", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`,
+ "application/json",
+ false,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: ""},
+ }: 422,
+ // These should succeed
+ testCase{
+ "GET",
+ path + "",
+ `{"content":"This is the content", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`,
+ "application/json",
+ true,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"},
+ }: http.StatusOK,
+ testCase{
+ "GET",
+ path + "?content=This+is+the+content&title=Blog+Post+Title",
+ ``,
+ "",
+ true,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"},
+ }: http.StatusOK,
+ testCase{
+ "GET",
+ path + "?content=This is the content&title=Blog+Post+Title",
+ `{"content":"This is the content", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`,
+ "",
+ true,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"},
+ }: http.StatusOK,
+ testCase{
+ "GET",
+ path + "",
+ `{"content":"This is the content", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`,
+ "",
+ true,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"},
+ }: http.StatusOK,
+ }
+ bindMultipartTests = map[testCase]int{
+ // This should deserialize, then bail at the validation phase
+ testCase{
+ "POST",
+ path,
+ "",
+ "multipart/form-data",
+ false,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "", Content: "This is the content"},
+ }: 422,
+ // This should succeed
+ testCase{
+ "POST",
+ path,
+ "",
+ "multipart/form-data",
+ true,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "This is the Title", Content: "This is the content"},
+ }: http.StatusOK,
+ }
+ formTests = []testCase{
+ {
+ "GET",
+ path + "?content=This is the content",
+ "",
+ "",
+ false,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "", Content: "This is the content"},
+ },
+ {
+ "POST",
+ path + "?content=This+is+the+content&title=Blog+Post+Title&views=3",
+ "",
+ "",
+ false, // false because POST requests should have a body, not just a query string
+ &BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content", Views: 3},
+ },
+ {
+ "GET",
+ path + "?content=This+is+the+content&title=Blog+Post+Title&views=3&multiple=5&multiple=10&multiple=15&multiple=20",
+ "",
+ "",
+ true,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content", Views: 3, Multiple: []int{5, 10, 15, 20}},
+ },
+ }
+ multipartformTests = []testCase{
+ {
+ "POST",
+ path,
+ "",
+ "multipart/form-data",
+ false,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "", Content: "This is the content"},
+ },
+ {
+ "POST",
+ path,
+ "",
+ "multipart/form-data",
+ false,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Views: 3},
+ },
+ {
+ "POST",
+ path,
+ "",
+ "multipart/form-data",
+ true,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content", Views: 3, Multiple: []int{5, 10, 15, 20}},
+ },
+ }
+ emptyPayloadTests = []emptyPayloadTestCase{
+ {
+ "GET",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ true,
+ &BlogSection{},
+ },
+ {
+ "POST",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ true,
+ &BlogSection{},
+ },
+ {
+ "PUT",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ true,
+ &BlogSection{},
+ },
+ {
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ true,
+ &BlogSection{},
+ },
+ }
+ jsonTests = []testCase{
+ // bad requests
+ {
+ "GET",
+ "",
+ `{blah blah blah}`,
+ "",
+ false,
+ &BlogPost{},
+ },
+ {
+ "POST",
+ "",
+ `{asdf}`,
+ "",
+ false,
+ &BlogPost{},
+ },
+ {
+ "PUT",
+ "",
+ `{blah blah blah}`,
+ "",
+ false,
+ &BlogPost{},
+ },
+ {
+ "",
+ `{;sdf _SDf- }`,
+ "",
+ false,
+ &BlogPost{},
+ },
+ // Valid-JSON requests
+ {
+ "GET",
+ "",
+ `{"content":"This is the content"}`,
+ "",
+ false,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "", Content: "This is the content"},
+ },
+ {
+ "POST",
+ "",
+ `{}`,
+ "application/json",
+ false,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "", Content: ""},
+ },
+ {
+ "POST",
+ "",
+ `{"content":"This is the content", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`,
+ "",
+ true,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"},
+ },
+ {
+ "PUT",
+ "",
+ `{"content":"This is the content", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`,
+ "",
+ true,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"},
+ },
+ {
+ "",
+ `{"content":"This is the content", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`,
+ "",
+ true,
+ &BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"},
+ },
+ }
+const (
+ route = "/blogposts/create"
+ path = "http://localhost:3000" + route