This is my special MEGA-SINGLETON macros realisation, which performs magic and makes singleton from any class.

Ivan Arkhipov 0d704f72c4 Fixed yoda in README 7 yıl önce
.gitignore a6bce79cd8 Added defines.txt file and normal 7 yıl önce 0b929ca464 Changed MEGA-MACROS structure. Added 7 yıl önce 0d704f72c4 Fixed yoda in README 7 yıl önce
defines.txt a6bce79cd8 Added defines.txt file and normal 7 yıl önce
main.cpp 0b929ca464 Changed MEGA-MACROS structure. Added 7 yıl önce
singleton.h 0b929ca464 Changed MEGA-MACROS structure. Added 7 yıl önce


Hello everybody! This is my special MEGA-SINGLETON macros realisation, which performs magic and makes singleton from any class.

How to use macros:

  • Macros consists of 3 "words"-macroses: THIS, IS and special ascii-art-like word SILGLETON. There's no difference in words order, but ALL of them should exist in the beginning of class declaration. If there's no word, or some part of SINGLETON is erased, linker error (ex. Correct_THIS_Word_077e476b586729db2f5b73f70614e321() function is not defined) will be raised.

  • In the right-bottom corner of last SINGLETON letter there's little special macros NNNAME (which is part of N letter). To enable macros, NNNAME should be initialized with class name like NNNAME(ClassName). That's all

  • To get instance of class use ClassName* pointer = ClassName::getInstance() function

There are some requerements for classes, which could be used as singletons

  • First (and the most): There shouldn't be any constructors or operators =
  • There should be no function getInstance() declared

May the force be with you!

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