#include #include "datfile.h" using namespace LOTRO_DAT; int main() { std::string dat_file_path; std::string target_file_path; int file_id; int is_import; FILE_TYPE file_type = FILE_TYPE::UNKNOWN; std::cout << "Enter path to .dat file: "; std::getline(std::cin, dat_file_path); DatFile file(0); if (!file.Init(dat_file_path)) { std::cout << "Failed to open .dat file!" << std::endl; system("pause"); return 0; } std::cout << "Import or export? (enter 1 for import, 0 for export) "; std::cin >> is_import; std::cout << "Enter file_id (decimal): "; std::cin >> file_id; if (is_import) { std::string file_type_str; std::cout << "Enter file type (supported: txt, jpg, dds, wav, ogg, fontbin, unknown): "; std::cin >> file_type_str; file_type = FileTypeFromString("." + file_type_str); } std::cout << "Enter target file path (without spaces!): "; std::cin >> target_file_path; if (is_import == 1) { std::cout << "IMPORTING!" << std::endl; file.PatchFile(file_id, file_type, target_file_path); } else { std::cout << "EXPORTING!" << std::endl; file.ExportFileById(file_id, target_file_path); } file.Deinit(); return 0; }