// // Created by Иван_Архипов on 31.10.2017. // #include "DatFile.h" #include "BinaryData.h" #include "DatException.h" #include "SubDirectory.h" #include "Subfile.h" #include extern "C++" { namespace LOTRO_DAT { DatFile::DatFile(const char* filename) { dat_state_ = CLOSED; OpenDatFile(filename); ReadSuperBlock(); MakeDirectories(); MakeDictionary(); if (dat_state_ == SUCCESS_DICTIONARY) dat_state_ = READY; else throw DatException("Bad DatFile initialization! Not all init states were successfully passed!", INIT_EXCEPTION); } DatFile::DatFile(const std::string &filename) { dat_state_ = CLOSED; OpenDatFile(filename.c_str()); ReadSuperBlock(); MakeDirectories(); MakeDictionary(); if (dat_state_ == SUCCESS_DICTIONARY) dat_state_ = READY; else throw DatException("Bad DatFile initialization! Not all init states were successfully passed!", INIT_EXCEPTION); } DatFile::~DatFile() { if (file_handler_ != nullptr) fclose(file_handler_); delete file_handler_; delete root_directory_; } void DatFile::OpenDatFile(const char* dat_name) { if (dat_state_ != CLOSED) throw DatException("Bad initialisation of DatFile - current DatFile isn't in correct state!", INIT_EXCEPTION); fopen_s(&file_handler_, dat_name, "r+b"); if(file_handler_ == nullptr) { std::string err = "Bad DatFile::OpenDatFile. Unable to open file "; err += dat_name; throw DatException(err.c_str(), INIT_EXCEPTION); } _fseeki64(file_handler_, 0, SEEK_END); file_size_ = _ftelli64(file_handler_); _fseeki64(file_handler_, 0, SEEK_SET); dat_state_ = SUCCESS_OPENED; } void DatFile::ReadSuperBlock() { if (dat_state_ != SUCCESS_OPENED) throw DatException("Bad DatFile::ReadSuperBlock() - DatFile isn't in valid state!", INIT_EXCEPTION); BinaryData data(1024); ReadData(data, 1024); constant1_ = data.ToNumber<4>(0x100); constant2_ = data.ToNumber<4>(0x140); version1_ = data.ToNumber<4>(0x14C); version2_ = data.ToNumber<4>(0x150); root_directory_offset_ = data.ToNumber<4>(0x160); auto size1 = data.ToNumber<4>(0x148); if (constant1_ != 0x4C5000) throw DatException("Bad DatFile::ReadSuperBlock - variable at position 0x100 is not equal to .dat file constant!" , INIT_EXCEPTION); if (constant2_ != 0x5442) throw DatException("Bad DatFile::ReadSuperBlock - variable at position 0x140 is not equal to .dat file constant!" , INIT_EXCEPTION); if (file_size_ != size1) throw DatException("Bad DatFile::ReadSuperBlock - variable at 0x148 position is not equal to .dat file size!" , INIT_EXCEPTION); dat_state_ = SUCCESS_SUPERBLOCK; } void DatFile::MakeDirectories() { if (dat_state_ != SUCCESS_SUPERBLOCK) throw DatException("Bad DatFile::MakeDirectories() - DatFile isn't in valid state!", INIT_EXCEPTION); root_directory_ = new SubDirectory((unsigned)root_directory_offset_, this); dat_state_ = SUCCESS_DIRECTORIES; } void DatFile::MakeDictionary() { if (dat_state_ != SUCCESS_DIRECTORIES) throw DatException("Bad DatFile::MakeDictionary() - DatFile isn't in valid state!", INIT_EXCEPTION); root_directory_->MakeDictionary(dictionary_); dat_state_ = SUCCESS_DICTIONARY; } void DatFile::ReadData(BinaryData &data, long long size, long long offset, long long data_offset) { if (dat_state_ == CLOSED) throw DatException("Bad DatFile::ReadData() - DatFile isn't in valid state!", READ_EXCEPTION); if (data_offset + size > data.size()) { std::string err = "Bad DatFile::ReadData - trying to read more than BinaryData size\n"; err += std::string("Reading ") + std::to_string(size) + std::string(" bytes from ") + std::to_string(offset) + std::string(" position in dat file."); throw DatException(err.c_str(), READ_EXCEPTION); } if (offset + size > file_size()) { std::string err = "Bad DatFile::ReadData - trying to read more than DatFile size elapsed\n"; err += std::string("Reading ") + std::to_string(size) + std::string(" bytes from ") + std::to_string(offset) + std::string(" position in dat file."); throw DatException(err.c_str(), READ_EXCEPTION); } _fseeki64(file_handler_, offset, SEEK_SET); fread(data.data() + data_offset, size, 1, file_handler_); } void DatFile::WriteData(const BinaryData &data, long long size, long long offset, long long data_offset) { if (dat_state_ != READY) throw DatException("Bad DatFile::WriteData() - DatFile isn't in valid state!", WRITE_EXCEPTION); _fseeki64(file_handler_, offset, SEEK_SET); if (data_offset + size > data.size()) throw DatException("Bad DatFile::WriteData - trying to write more than BinaryData size", WRITE_EXCEPTION); fwrite(data.data() + data_offset, size, 1, file_handler_); } long long DatFile::constant1() const { return constant1_; } long long DatFile::constant2() const { return constant2_; } long long DatFile::file_size() const { return file_size_; } long long DatFile::version1() const { return version1_; } long long DatFile::version2() const { return version2_; } const std::unordered_map &DatFile::dictionary() { return dictionary_; } } }