// // Created by Иван_Архипов on 31.10.2017. // #include "BinaryData.h" #include "Common/DatException.h" #include "Common/ZLib/zlib.h" #include extern "C++" { namespace LOTRO_DAT { BinaryData::BinaryData() { data_ = nullptr; size_ = 0; } BinaryData::BinaryData(const BinaryData &d) { size_ = d.size_; data_ = new unsigned char[size_]; memcpy(data_, d.data_, size_); } BinaryData::BinaryData(char* data, unsigned int size) { size_ = size; data_ = new unsigned char[size_]; memcpy(data_, data, size_); } BinaryData::BinaryData(unsigned int size) { data_ = new unsigned char[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) data_[i] = 0; size_ = size; } BinaryData::~BinaryData() { if (size_ != 0 && data_ != nullptr) delete[] data_; } unsigned char& BinaryData::operator[](const unsigned int &pos) { if (pos >= size_) throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::operator[]. Position is out of range."); return data_[pos]; } BinaryData BinaryData::operator +(const BinaryData &b) { BinaryData res(size_ + b.size()); if (size_ > 0) memcpy(res.data_, data_, size_); if (b.size() > 0) memcpy(res.data_ + size_, b.data_, b.size_); return res; } // Translates T bytes from data into number using UTF-16LE encoding of the .dat file template long long BinaryData::ToNumber(const long long &pos) const { try { long long ans = 0; if (pos + T > size_) throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::ToNumber(). Reached end of BinaryData!", DATA_EXCEPTION); for (int i = T - 1; i >= 0; i--) ans = ((ans << 8ll) | data_[pos + i]); return ans; } catch (...) { throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::ToNumber(). Error while using template function", DATA_EXCEPTION); } } // Translates T bytes from data into number in raw format template long long BinaryData::ToNumberRAW(const long long &pos) const { try { long long ans = 0; if (pos + T >= size_) throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::ToNumber(). Reached end of BinaryData!", DATA_EXCEPTION); for (int i = 0; i < T; i++) ans = ((ans << 8ll) | data_[pos + i]); return ans; } catch (...) { throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::ToNumber(). Error while using template function", DATA_EXCEPTION); } } // Makes data from specified T bytes of number in Little Endian encoding template void BinaryData::FromNumber(const long long &number) { if (T < 0) throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::FromNumber() - trying to make data from amount of bytes < 0"); try { delete[] data_; size_ = size_t(T); data_ = new unsigned char[size_]; for (size_t i = 0; i < size_; i++) { data_[i] = (unsigned char)((number >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF); } } catch (...) { throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::ToNumber(). Error in using template function", DATA_EXCEPTION); } } // Makes data from specified T bytes of number in raw template void BinaryData::FromNumberRAW(const long long &number) { if (T <= 0) throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::FromNumber() - trying to make data from amount of bytes <= 0"); try { FromNumber(number); std::reverse(data_, data_ + size()); } catch (...) { throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::ToNumber(). Error in using template function", DATA_EXCEPTION); } } BinaryData &BinaryData::operator=(const BinaryData &data) { if (&data == this) return *this; if (size_ != 0 && data_ != nullptr) delete[] data_; size_ = data.size_; data_ = nullptr; if (size_ != 0) { data_ = new unsigned char[size_]; memcpy(data_, data.data_, size_); } return *this; } size_t BinaryData::size() const { return size_; } unsigned char *BinaryData::data() const { return data_; } bool BinaryData::WriteToFile(const char *filename) const { FILE *f; fopen_s(&f, filename, "wb"); if (f == nullptr) { throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::WriteToFile() - unable to open output file", EXPORT_EXCEPTION); } fwrite(data(), size(), 1, f); fclose(f); return true; } bool BinaryData::WriteToFile(const std::string &filename) const { return WriteToFile(filename.c_str()); } void BinaryData::ReadFromFile(const char *filename) { FILE *f; fopen_s(&f, filename, "rb"); if (f == nullptr) { throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::WriteToFile() - unable to open output file", EXPORT_EXCEPTION); } _fseeki64(f, 0, SEEK_END); long long file_size = ftell(f); _fseeki64(f, 0, SEEK_SET); BinaryData temp_data = BinaryData(unsigned(file_size)); fread(temp_data.data_, temp_data.size_, 1, f); *this = temp_data; fclose(f); } void BinaryData::ReadFromFile(const std::string &filename) { ReadFromFile(filename.c_str()); } bool BinaryData::CheckCompression() const { if (size() < 10) return false; auto header = ToNumberRAW<2>(4); return (header == 0x7801 || header == 0x789C || header == 0x78DA); } BinaryData BinaryData::DecompressData(unsigned int offset) const { const unsigned max_unpacked_size = 1024 * 1024 * 40; // Setting 40 MB as a maximum unpacked data; BinaryData decompressed(max_unpacked_size); uLongf new_size = max_unpacked_size; int res = uncompress(decompressed.data_, &new_size, data_ + offset, size_ - offset); if (res != 0) { throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::DecompressData() - uncompress() failed!", DATA_EXCEPTION); } decompressed.size_ = (unsigned int)new_size; return decompressed; } BinaryData BinaryData::CompressData(unsigned int offset) const { const unsigned max_file_size = 1024 * 1024 * 40; // Setting 40 MB as a maximum packed data; BinaryData compressed(max_file_size); uLongf new_size = max_file_size; int res = compress2(compressed.data_, &new_size, data_ + offset, size_ - offset, 9); if (res != 0) { throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::CompressData() - compress failed!", DATA_EXCEPTION); } compressed.size_ = (unsigned int)new_size; return compressed; } BinaryData BinaryData::CutData(long long first, long long last) const { if (last < 0) last = size(); if (last > size()) throw DatException("Bad BinaryData::CutData() - parameter 'last' is out of range"); BinaryData newdata(unsigned(last - first)); memcpy(newdata.data(), data() + first, newdata.size()); return newdata; } bool BinaryData::operator==(const BinaryData &b) const { if (size() != b.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) if (data_[i] != b.data_[i]) return false; return true; } bool BinaryData::operator!=(const BinaryData &b) const { return !(*this == b); } template long long BinaryData::ToNumber<1>(long long const&) const; template long long BinaryData::ToNumber<2>(long long const&) const; template long long BinaryData::ToNumber<4>(long long const&) const; template long long BinaryData::ToNumber<8>(long long const&) const; template void BinaryData::FromNumber<1>(const long long &); template void BinaryData::FromNumber<2>(const long long &); template void BinaryData::FromNumber<4>(const long long &); template void BinaryData::FromNumber<8>(const long long &); template long long BinaryData::ToNumberRAW<1>(long long const&) const; template long long BinaryData::ToNumberRAW<2>(long long const&) const; template long long BinaryData::ToNumberRAW<4>(long long const&) const; template long long BinaryData::ToNumberRAW<8>(long long const&) const; template void BinaryData::FromNumberRAW<1>(const long long &); template void BinaryData::FromNumberRAW<2>(const long long &); template void BinaryData::FromNumberRAW<4>(const long long &); template void BinaryData::FromNumberRAW<8>(const long long &); } }