#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qsmoothscrollarea.h" QSmoothScrollArea::QSmoothScrollArea(QWidget *parent) : QScrollArea(parent) { lastWheelEvent = 0; smoothMoveTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(smoothMoveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotSmoothMove())); m_fps = 60; m_duration = 500; m_smoothMode = CONSTANT; m_acceleration = 1.5; m_smallStepModifier = Qt::SHIFT; m_smallStepRatio = 1.0 / 5.0; m_bigStepModifier = Qt::ALT; m_bigStepRatio = 5.0; } int QSmoothScrollArea::fps() { return m_fps; } void QSmoothScrollArea::setFps(int fps) { m_fps = fps; } int QSmoothScrollArea::duration() { return m_duration; } void QSmoothScrollArea::setDuration(int mesc) { m_duration = mesc; } QSmoothScrollArea::SmoothMode QSmoothScrollArea::smoothMode() { return m_smoothMode; } void QSmoothScrollArea::setSmoothMode(QSmoothScrollArea::SmoothMode mode) { m_smoothMode = mode; } double QSmoothScrollArea::acceration() { return m_acceleration; } void QSmoothScrollArea::setAcceration(double acceleration) { m_acceleration = acceleration; } double QSmoothScrollArea::smallStepRatio() { return m_smallStepRatio; } void QSmoothScrollArea::setSmallStepRatio(double smallStepRatio) { m_smallStepRatio = smallStepRatio; } double QSmoothScrollArea::bigStepRatio() { return m_bigStepRatio; } void QSmoothScrollArea::setBigStepRatio(double bigStepRatio) { m_bigStepRatio = bigStepRatio; } Qt::Modifier QSmoothScrollArea::smallStepModifier() { return m_smallStepModifier; } void QSmoothScrollArea::setSmallStepModifier( Qt::Modifier smallStepModifier) { m_smallStepModifier = smallStepModifier; } Qt::Modifier QSmoothScrollArea::bigStepModifier() { return m_bigStepModifier; } void QSmoothScrollArea::setbigStepModifier( Qt::Modifier bigStepModifier) { m_bigStepModifier = bigStepModifier; } void QSmoothScrollArea::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) { if (m_smoothMode == NO_SMOOTH) { QScrollArea::wheelEvent(e); return; } // According to my experiment, a normal person is able to scroll his wheel // at the speed about 36 times per second in average. Here we use a // conservative value 30: a user can achieve the maximum acceration when he // scrools his wheel at 30 times / second. static QQueue scrollStamps; qint64 now = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch(); scrollStamps.enqueue(now); while (now - scrollStamps.front() > 500) scrollStamps.dequeue(); double accerationRatio = qMin(scrollStamps.size() / 15.0, 1.0); if (!lastWheelEvent) lastWheelEvent = new QWheelEvent(*e); else *lastWheelEvent = *e; stepsTotal = m_fps * m_duration / 1000; double multiplier = 1.0; if (QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & smallStepModifier()) multiplier *= smallStepRatio(); if (QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & bigStepModifier()) multiplier *= bigStepRatio(); double delta = e->delta() * multiplier; if (acceration() > 0) delta += delta * acceration() * accerationRatio; stepsLeftQueue.push_back(qMakePair(delta, stepsTotal)); smoothMoveTimer->start(1000 / m_fps); } void QSmoothScrollArea::slotSmoothMove() { double totalDelta = 0; for (QList< QPair >::Iterator it = stepsLeftQueue.begin(); it != stepsLeftQueue.end(); ++it) { totalDelta += subDelta(it->first, it->second); --(it->second); } while (!stepsLeftQueue.empty() && stepsLeftQueue.begin()->second == 0) stepsLeftQueue.pop_front(); Qt::Orientation orientation = lastWheelEvent->orientation(); // By default, when you press ALT, QT will scroll horizontally. But if we // have defined the use of ALT key, we ignore this setting since horizontal // scroll is not so useful in okular if ((bigStepModifier() & Qt::ALT) || (smallStepModifier() & Qt::ALT)) orientation = Qt::Vertical; QWheelEvent e( lastWheelEvent->pos(), lastWheelEvent->globalPos(), qRound(totalDelta), lastWheelEvent->buttons(), 0, orientation ); if (e.orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) QApplication::sendEvent(horizontalScrollBar(), &e); else QApplication::sendEvent(verticalScrollBar(), &e); if (stepsLeftQueue.empty()) { smoothMoveTimer->stop(); } } double QSmoothScrollArea::subDelta(double delta, int stepsLeft) { Q_ASSERT(m_smoothMode != NO_SMOOTH); double m = stepsTotal / 2.0; double x = abs(stepsTotal - stepsLeft - m); // some mathmatical integral result. switch (m_smoothMode) { case NO_SMOOTH: return 0; break; case CONSTANT: return double(delta) / stepsTotal; break; case LINEAR: return 2.0*delta/stepsTotal * (m - x) / m; break; case QUADRATIC: return 3.0/4.0/m * (1.0 - x*x/m/m) * delta; break; case COSINE: return (cos(x * M_PI / m) + 1.0) / (2.0*m) * delta; break; } return 0; }