// Copyright 2020 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package db import ( "testing" "gogs.io/gogs/internal/lfsutil" ) // NOTE: Mocks are sorted in alphabetical order. var _ AccessTokensStore = (*MockAccessTokensStore)(nil) type MockAccessTokensStore struct { MockCreate func(userID int64, name string) (*AccessToken, error) MockDeleteByID func(userID, id int64) error MockGetBySHA func(sha string) (*AccessToken, error) MockList func(userID int64) ([]*AccessToken, error) MockSave func(t *AccessToken) error } func (m *MockAccessTokensStore) Create(userID int64, name string) (*AccessToken, error) { return m.MockCreate(userID, name) } func (m *MockAccessTokensStore) DeleteByID(userID, id int64) error { return m.MockDeleteByID(userID, id) } func (m *MockAccessTokensStore) GetBySHA(sha string) (*AccessToken, error) { return m.MockGetBySHA(sha) } func (m *MockAccessTokensStore) List(userID int64) ([]*AccessToken, error) { return m.MockList(userID) } func (m *MockAccessTokensStore) Save(t *AccessToken) error { return m.MockSave(t) } func SetMockAccessTokensStore(t *testing.T, mock AccessTokensStore) { before := AccessTokens AccessTokens = mock t.Cleanup(func() { AccessTokens = before }) } var _ LFSStore = (*MockLFSStore)(nil) type MockLFSStore struct { MockCreateObject func(repoID int64, oid lfsutil.OID, size int64, storage lfsutil.Storage) error MockGetObjectByOID func(repoID int64, oid lfsutil.OID) (*LFSObject, error) MockGetObjectsByOIDs func(repoID int64, oids ...lfsutil.OID) ([]*LFSObject, error) } func (m *MockLFSStore) CreateObject(repoID int64, oid lfsutil.OID, size int64, storage lfsutil.Storage) error { return m.MockCreateObject(repoID, oid, size, storage) } func (m *MockLFSStore) GetObjectByOID(repoID int64, oid lfsutil.OID) (*LFSObject, error) { return m.MockGetObjectByOID(repoID, oid) } func (m *MockLFSStore) GetObjectsByOIDs(repoID int64, oids ...lfsutil.OID) ([]*LFSObject, error) { return m.MockGetObjectsByOIDs(repoID, oids...) } func SetMockLFSStore(t *testing.T, mock LFSStore) { before := LFS LFS = mock t.Cleanup(func() { LFS = before }) } var _ loginSourceFilesStore = (*mockLoginSourceFilesStore)(nil) type mockLoginSourceFilesStore struct { MockGetByID func(id int64) (*LoginSource, error) MockLen func() int MockList func(opts ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource MockUpdate func(source *LoginSource) } func (m *mockLoginSourceFilesStore) GetByID(id int64) (*LoginSource, error) { return m.MockGetByID(id) } func (m *mockLoginSourceFilesStore) Len() int { return m.MockLen() } func (m *mockLoginSourceFilesStore) List(opts ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource { return m.MockList(opts) } func (m *mockLoginSourceFilesStore) Update(source *LoginSource) { m.MockUpdate(source) } func setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t *testing.T, db *loginSources, mock loginSourceFilesStore) { before := db.files db.files = mock t.Cleanup(func() { db.files = before }) } var _ loginSourceFileStore = (*mockLoginSourceFileStore)(nil) type mockLoginSourceFileStore struct { MockSetGeneral func(name, value string) MockSetConfig func(cfg interface{}) error MockSave func() error } func (m *mockLoginSourceFileStore) SetGeneral(name, value string) { m.MockSetGeneral(name, value) } func (m *mockLoginSourceFileStore) SetConfig(cfg interface{}) error { return m.MockSetConfig(cfg) } func (m *mockLoginSourceFileStore) Save() error { return m.MockSave() } var _ PermsStore = (*MockPermsStore)(nil) type MockPermsStore struct { MockAccessMode func(userID int64, repo *Repository) AccessMode MockAuthorize func(userID int64, repo *Repository, desired AccessMode) bool MockSetRepoPerms func(repoID int64, accessMap map[int64]AccessMode) error } func (m *MockPermsStore) AccessMode(userID int64, repo *Repository) AccessMode { return m.MockAccessMode(userID, repo) } func (m *MockPermsStore) Authorize(userID int64, repo *Repository, desired AccessMode) bool { return m.MockAuthorize(userID, repo, desired) } func (m *MockPermsStore) SetRepoPerms(repoID int64, accessMap map[int64]AccessMode) error { return m.MockSetRepoPerms(repoID, accessMap) } func SetMockPermsStore(t *testing.T, mock PermsStore) { before := Perms Perms = mock t.Cleanup(func() { Perms = before }) } var _ ReposStore = (*MockReposStore)(nil) type MockReposStore struct { MockGetByName func(ownerID int64, name string) (*Repository, error) } func (m *MockReposStore) GetByName(ownerID int64, name string) (*Repository, error) { return m.MockGetByName(ownerID, name) } func SetMockReposStore(t *testing.T, mock ReposStore) { before := Repos Repos = mock t.Cleanup(func() { Repos = before }) } var _ TwoFactorsStore = (*MockTwoFactorsStore)(nil) type MockTwoFactorsStore struct { MockCreate func(userID int64, key, secret string) error MockGetByUserID func(userID int64) (*TwoFactor, error) MockIsUserEnabled func(userID int64) bool } func (m *MockTwoFactorsStore) Create(userID int64, key, secret string) error { return m.MockCreate(userID, key, secret) } func (m *MockTwoFactorsStore) GetByUserID(userID int64) (*TwoFactor, error) { return m.MockGetByUserID(userID) } func (m *MockTwoFactorsStore) IsUserEnabled(userID int64) bool { return m.MockIsUserEnabled(userID) } func SetMockTwoFactorsStore(t *testing.T, mock TwoFactorsStore) { before := TwoFactors TwoFactors = mock t.Cleanup(func() { TwoFactors = before }) } var _ UsersStore = (*MockUsersStore)(nil) type MockUsersStore struct { MockAuthenticate func(username, password string, loginSourceID int64) (*User, error) MockGetByID func(id int64) (*User, error) MockGetByUsername func(username string) (*User, error) } func (m *MockUsersStore) Authenticate(username, password string, loginSourceID int64) (*User, error) { return m.MockAuthenticate(username, password, loginSourceID) } func (m *MockUsersStore) GetByID(id int64) (*User, error) { return m.MockGetByID(id) } func (m *MockUsersStore) GetByUsername(username string) (*User, error) { return m.MockGetByUsername(username) } func SetMockUsersStore(t *testing.T, mock UsersStore) { before := Users Users = mock t.Cleanup(func() { Users = before }) }