# Release a new version

## Release a minor version

To release a new minor version, create a new GitHub issue with following attributes:

1. Title: `Release <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.0`
1. Label: [📸 release](https://github.com/gogs/gogs/labels/%F0%9F%93%B8%20release)
1. Content: [minor version issue template](issue_template_minor_version.md)

## Make a patch release

To make a patch release, create a new GitHub issue with following attributes:

1. Title: `Release <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>`
1. Label: [📸 release](https://github.com/gogs/gogs/labels/%F0%9F%93%B8%20release)
1. Content: [patch release issue template](issue_template_patch_release.md)